French Poem Reading “La Chevelure” by Charles Baudelaire

Author: Camille Chevalier

Enunciated and natural readings of the famous French poem “La Chevelure” by Charles Baudelaire . Clear French audio recordings + English translation of the poem.

“La Chevelure” is an extremely sensual poem typical of Baudelaire’s style.

1 – French Poem Reading “La Chevelure” by Charles Baudelaire – Audio Recording

Please press play to hear my readings of French Poem – “La Chevelure” by Charles Baudelaire.

2 – Classical French Poem Reading “La Chevelure” by Charles Baudelaire

La Chevelure

Ô toison, moutonnant jusque sur l’encolure!
Ô boucles! Ô parfum chargé de nonchaloir!
Extase! Pour peupler ce soir l’alcôve obscure
Des souvenirs dormant dans cette chevelure,
Je la veux agiter dans l’air comme un mouchoir!

La langoureuse Asie et la brûlante Afrique,
Tout un monde lointain, absent, presque défunt,
Vit dans tes profondeurs, forêt aromatique!
Comme d’autres esprits voguent sur la musique,
Le mien, ô mon amour! nage sur ton parfum.

J’irai là-bas où l’arbre et l’homme, pleins de sève,
Se pâment longuement sous l’ardeur des climats;
Fortes tresses, soyez la houle qui m’enlève!
Tu contiens, mer d’ébène, un éblouissant rêve
De voiles, de rameurs, de flammes et de mâts:

Un port retentissant où mon âme peut boire
À grands flots le parfum, le son et la couleur
Où les vaisseaux, glissant dans l’or et dans la moire
Ouvrent leurs vastes bras pour embrasser la gloire
D’un ciel pur où frémit l’éternelle chaleur.

Je plongerai ma tête amoureuse d’ivresse
Dans ce noir océan où l’autre est enfermé;
Et mon esprit subtil que le roulis caresse
Saura vous retrouver, ô féconde paresse,
Infinis bercements du loisir embaumé!

Cheveux bleus, pavillon de ténèbres tendues
Vous me rendez l’azur du ciel immense et rond;
Sur les bords duvetés de vos mèches tordues
Je m’enivre ardemment des senteurs confondues
De l’huile de coco, du musc et du goudron.

Longtemps! toujours! ma main dans ta crinière lourde
Sèmera le rubis, la perle et le saphir,
Afin qu’à mon désir tu ne sois jamais sourde!
N’es-tu pas l’oasis où je rêve, et la gourde
Où je hume à longs traits le vin du souvenir?

Easy French Poetry

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3 – English Translation of the French Poem Reading “La Chevelure” by Charles Baudelaire

Here is my own translation of the French poem. I went for a literal translation so you could understand the vocabulary.

Head of Hair

O fleecy hair, falling in curls to the shoulders!
O curls! O perfume laden with nonchalance!
Ecstasy! To fill the dark alcove tonight
With memories sleeping in that thick head of hair.
I want to shake it in the air like a handkerchief!

Languorous Asia and burning Africa,
A whole far away world, absent, almost extinct,
Dwells in your depths, aromatic forest!
While other spirits sail along on music,
Mine, O my love! floats upon your perfume.

I shall go there, where trees and men, full of vigor,
Faint of pleasure in the heat of the climate;
Heady tresses be the billows that carry me away!
You hold, ebony sea, a dazzling dream
Of rigging, of rowers, of flames and masts:

A resounding harbor where my soul can drink
In great draughts the perfume, the sound and the color;
Where the vessels gliding through the gold and the moire
Open their vast arms to embrace the glory
Of a clear sky shimmering with everlasting heat.

I shall bury my head enamored with rapture
In this black ocean where the other is imprisoned;
And my subtle spirit caressed by the sway
Will know how to find you, O fruitful laziness,
Endless lulling of scented leisure!

Blue hair, pavilion hung with shadows,
You give back to me the blue of the vast round sky;
In the downy edges of your twisted locks
I ardently get drunk with the mingled odors
Of oil of coconut, of musk and tar.

For a long time! Forever! my hand in your heavy mane
Will scatter the ruby, the pearl and the sapphire
So that to my desire you will never be deaf!
Aren’t you the oasis where I dream, the gourd
where I inhale in great draughts the wine of memory?

Author: Camille Chevalier

Camille Chevalier

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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