
Our dedicated Support site

Our dedicated support site for many step-by-step tutorials and answers to most technical issues. We constantly add new articles to this site and we find that it will answer 90% of any questions you might have.

Visit our Support Site

Contact us

We’re here to answer any questions you have and we usually respond within 24 hours. Simply click on the Help button in the bottom right on this page or in your account area and select ‘ask’.

Some Frequently Asked Questions…

I’m not sure what level I am and what I should buy

That’s a hard question but we’ve created a dedicated article that will help you determine where to start (and remember, if you find that you chose the wrong level, we can always exchange it for a lower or higher one.

Will these audiobooks work on iPhone, Android, my computer…?

Our audiobooks can be accessed via our dedicated French Today apps available for iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows. No need to download MP3s, PDFs and such, it’s all handled for you. Just enter your username and password to connect to your account and download in 2 clicks.

Do you really offer 100% money back guarantee?

Absolutely. We are so confident that French Today’s audiobooks are some of the best in the industry that if you are unhappy with them, we’ll refund your purchase 100%… But honestly, we’ve sold thousands of products and we’ve only been asked for refunds a few times a year (and most of these customers ended up buying the wrong level).

🎁 2.5 Hours French Audiobook - 100% Free / Keep Forever 🎁

Recorded at 3 different speeds + Study Guide + Q&A + Full Transcript

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