“Chanson pour les enfants l’hiver” de Jacques Prevert Audio & Video

Author: Camille Chevalier

Listen to my clear reading of the French winter poem “Chanson pour les enfants l’hiver” de Jacques Prevert. Audio recording, French transcript
+ English translation + Video.

Today, I’m going to read a French poem about winter almost all French children know; they might have learned it as a poem, or as a song.

It was written by Jacques Prévert, famous 20th century author who wrote simple poetry using everyday language, hence making him very popular in our school system – remember that French children have to memorize poetry throughout their studies, but particularly in French elementary school to develop their memory as well as taste for French literature.

1 – Recording “Chanson pour les enfants l’hiver” de Jacques Prévert

I suggest you first listen to my recording of the poem: repeat it a couple of times without looking at the French transcript. Then check the transcript, and if need be the English translation.

2 – French Poem About Winter – French Lyrics

Chanson pour les enfants l’hiver

Dans la nuit de l’hiver
galope un grand homme blanc
c’est un bonhomme de neige
avec une pipe en bois
un grand bonhomme de neige
poursuivi par le froid

il arrive au village
voyant de la lumière
le voilà rassuré.
Dans une petite maison
il entre sans frapper

et pour se réchauffer
s’assoit sur le poêle rouge,
et d’un coup disparait
ne laissant que sa pipe
au milieu d’une flaque d’eau
ne laissant que sa pipe
et puis son vieux chapeau.

Easy French Poetry

Most famous and classic French poems read and analysed in everyday French.

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3 – French Poem About Winter – Translation

Here is my own translation of the French poem. I went for a literal translation so you could understand the vocabulary.

In the winter’s night
A big white man is running
It is a snowman
With a wooden pipe
A big snowman
Chased by the cold

He arrives in town
Seeing some light
He feels reassured.
In a small house,
He entered without knocking.

And to warm up
Sits on the red wood stove
And suddenly disappears.
Leaving only his pipe
In the middle of a puddle
Leaving only his pipe
And also his old hat.

4 – French Poem About Winter – Video

This poem is also a song. Or is the song also a poem? Popular among French teachers, French children are sure to learn this in one form or another, or both!

Author: Camille Chevalier

Camille Chevalier

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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