TREC Horseback Race In France – French Story & Translation

Author: Pierre

Embark on a bilingual adventure as French student Jennifer tries out a horseback Trec race in France.

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Monter Ă  cheval m’a toujours plu.  Quand j’étais jeune, j’ai eu la chance de randonner Ă  cheval dans le parc National Golden Gate. Je passais mes journĂ©es Ă  cheval en pleine nature avec mes amies, Ă  travers les collines, traversant les riviĂšres, les forĂȘts, jusqu’à la plage. Quand je n’étais pas en randonnĂ©e, je pratiquais l’obstacle et le dressage.

I have always loved riding horses. When I was young, I was fortunate enough to ride in the Golden Gate National Park. I would spend all day in nature with my friends horseback riding over the hills, crossing rivers, through forests, all the way to the beach.  When I wasn’t on a trail ride, I would practice horse jumping and dressage.

RĂ©cemment, en France, lors de mon sĂ©jour d’immersion de français avec Pierre j’ai eu une unique opportunitĂ© d’expĂ©rimenter les deux. Le gĂźte louĂ© par Pierre se situe est en effet voisin d’un centre Ă©questre.

Recently while in France, in a residential French immersion stay with Pierre I had a unique opportunity to experience both. The gĂźte rented by Pierre is actually just near a horse riding center.

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1 – What is a TREC Horseback Race?

J’ai rejoint un groupe de cavaliers qui se prĂ©paraient pour une compĂ©tition Ă  venir. La compĂ©tition nommĂ©e TREC comprend trois Ă©preuves ;
– une d’orientation,
– une en parcours variĂ©s,
– et une de maĂźtrise de la vitesse. 

I joined a group of riders who were practicing for an upcoming competition.  The competition named TREC, includes three phases;
– one of orienteering,
– one accross various terains,
– and one of controlling paces.

Je n’avais jamais participĂ© Ă  ce genre de course avant, mais j’étais heureuse d’apprendre qu’elle comprenait deux de mes activitĂ©s prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©es : l’obstacle et la randonnĂ©e.  Ça me plaisait bien de pouvoir ajouter l’orientation et le parcours variĂ©. Quelle chouette moment!

I had never participated in this kind of race before, but I was pleased to learn it included two of my favorite activities; jumping and trail rides. I was happy to be able to add the orienteering and cross-country. What a great moment! 

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2 – Getting Ready For the Trec Race

AprĂšs avoir rencontrĂ© et prĂ©parĂ© mon cheval, RomĂ©o, j’ai reçu et Ă©tudiĂ© le plan du parcours.  J’étais un peu nerveuse, non seulement parce que j’apprends le Français, mais aussi car je faisais partie d’un groupe de cavaliers français.  Est-ce que je comprendrais les consignes? Est-ce que je me souviendrais de l’ordre des tĂąches? Est-ce que je me perdrais?

After meeting and preparing my horse, Romeo, I received and studied my plan.  I was a bit nervous, not only because I’m learning French, but also because I was in a group of French riders.  Would I understand the instructions? Would I remember the order of tasks? Would I get lost?  

Trec Horseback riding france 2

3 – A Great Horseback Riding Afternoon

Nous voilĂ  partis, par-dessus les obstacles, traversant le pont, suivant la serpentine, et, pratiquant toutes les allures.  VoilĂ , on avait terminĂ© le parcours!  RomĂ©o Ă©tait bien Ă©duquĂ© et trĂšs patient avec sa nouvelle cavaliĂšre de TREC.  Il m’a gentiment guidĂ© tout au long de la course. Je suis sĂ»re qu’il aurait pu la faire plus vite sans moi!

Off we went, over the jumps, across the bridge, through the serpentine, while practicing all paces. VoilĂ , we completed the circuit! Romeo was well trained and was very patient with his new Trec rider. He kindly guided me through the course. I’m sure he could have made it through faster without me!

Je me suis perdue, et je ne vous dirais pas mon temps, mais j’ai passĂ© une journĂ©e fabuleuse!  La monitrice d’équitation, Delphine, Ă©tait trĂšs gentille, elle m’a offert du soutien, et m’a aidĂ© avec mon français.  AprĂšs le parcours, on a pris “un petit-apĂ©ro” et on a fĂȘtĂ© nos exploits.  C’était trĂšs convivial ! 

I did get lost, and I won’t tell you my (race) time, but I had an amazing day!  The riding instructor, Delphine, was very gentle, offered support, and helped me with my French.  After the treck, we gathered for a drink/snacks and celebrated our accomplishments. It was really cool!

Cette expĂ©rience combinait Ă  la fois compĂ©tences, endurance, confiance en soi, dĂ©fi intellectuel et physique, tout-ceci dans un dĂ©cor naturel de prĂ©s verts, d’arbres en fleurs, avec le chant des oiseaux.  Que rĂȘver de mieux quand on est un cavalier qu’une journĂ©e Ă  cheval dans la merveilleuse campagne française.

This experience blended skill, stamina, confidence, and intellectual and physical challenge in a natural setting of green pastures and blossoming trees with singing birds.  What more could a horse lover want than a day on horseback in the beautiful countryside of France.

Merci Ă  Camille Chevalier-Karfis, Pierre, et French Today.  J’ai beaucoup appris sur la langue française, les coutumes, l’histoire, et la culture française.  Et merci Ă  Delphine et RomĂ©o de m’avoir appris un nouveau genre d’équitation!

Thank you to Camille Chevalier-Karfis, Pierre, and French Today.  I learned a lot about the French language, customs, history, and French culture. And thank you to Delphine and Romeo for teaching me about a new kind of horseback riding!

Author: Pierre


Bonjour! My name is Pierre and I have a passion for history. It will be my pleasure to help you discover my beautiful region of France when you learn French in immersion with me.

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