Hikes in Provence – Easy French Practice Videos

Author: Camille Chevalier-Karfis

Share my hikes in Provence and practice your French language with my bilingual videos with French CC & English translations. See if you can understand me!

Practice your French language with me with these easy French practice videos. I went on vacation to sunny Provence, more precisely in the Vaucluse region, near Mont Ventoux and shot a couple of short videos to share my experience with you. Enjoy!

We’ll start with the lovely village of La Roque Alric.

Virtual Visit of La Roque Alric in Provence

Use the floating blue icon in the bottom right to hide/reveal the English translations below or just click here.

D’abord, je vous emmĂšne dans un ravissant minuscule village tout en haut d’un rocher: La Roque Alric

First, I’m taking you to a gorgeous tiny village way up on a large cliff: La Roque Alric.

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Aujourd’hui “shvoo”
 Are you familiar with this French pronunciation? This is how we speak in French nowadays. Check out my article about the modern spoken French pronunciation for more examples & explanations !

My Hikes on “Les Dentelles de Montmirail”

Vous voulez entendre Olivier parler français ? Voici votre chance : c’est lui qui a filmĂ© la premiĂšre vidĂ©o !

Would you like to hear Olivier speak French? Here is your chance: he filmed the first video!

Le jour suivant, nous sommes allĂ©s faire une randonnĂ©e sur une falaise avec une partie de ma famille
 Woah, c’était trĂšs physique !! Plus dur que ce qu’on avait imaginĂ© Olivier et moi – et puis on Ă©tait les plus vieux ce qui ne facilitait pas les choses

The day after, we’re went for a hike on a cliff with part of my family
 Wow, this was quite physical !! Harder than what we imagined Olivier and I – and then we were the oldest which didn’t make things easier.

Quand mĂȘme c’était super beau – de beaux souvenirs !

Still it was beautiful – nice memories!

Une autre vidĂ©o prise pendant mes vacances en 2021 – cette fois-ci en hiver. La premiĂšre partie de la vidĂ©o est bilingue, et puis je vous emmĂšne en haut des Dentelles pour une randonnĂ©e tout en français.

Another video shot during my vacation in 2021 – this time around in winter. The first part of the video is bilingual, then I take you to the very top of the Dentelles for a hike all in French.

Discover The Village of “Le Barroux” And Its Castle

Je suis allĂ©e toute seule faire une assez longue balade â€“ principalement sur la route cette fois-ci. Cependant, quand je suis partie, le ciel Ă©tait couvert et c’était ce que la mĂ©tĂ©o avait prĂ©vu pour la journĂ©e.

Then I went by myself on a pretty long hike – but mostly on the road this time. However, when I left it was cloudy and that’s what the forecast planned for the day.

Surprise ! Le soleil s’est levĂ© et il faisait vraiment, vraiment chaud. Donc ma balade est devenue une petite aventure, comme vous le verrez dans la vidĂ©o.

Surprise! The sun got out and it was really, really hot. It turned out to be a bit of an adventure, as you’ll see in the video.

Provence – Mont Ventoux – Pictures

Et voici plus de photos – c’était un voyage fantastique !

Here are more pictures – it was a fantastic trip!

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Author: Camille Chevalier-Karfis

Camille Chevalier-Karfis

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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