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1 â Straw and Hay Bales in France
LâĂ©tĂ© est bel et bien lĂ et partout dans les campagnes les balles de paille et les bottes de foins couvrent les champs vallonnĂ©s. Les champs ont de nouveaux locataires, tout prĂšs des vaches.
Summer is really here and everywhere in the countryside â large straw and hay bales cover the undulating fields. The fields have new occupants right alongside the cows.
Ces balles de paille me font penser Ă des notes de musique, couleur soleil. La campagne est comme une partition qui sâanime aprĂšs des mois de silence. Que dâabondance ! Comme câest apaisant pour le regard.
These straw bale make me think of sunshine-colored music notes. The countryside is like a partition which enlivens after months of silence. Thereâs so many of them! What a peaceful site it is.
2 â Everyday Spoken French Video
This is Camille â the founder of French Today. Iâm âhijackingâ Emilieâs great article because I made a video about this subject as Emilie was writing the article⊠Great minds think alike!
Knowing the vocabulary will be a big help since this video is a bit longer, and I speak a bit faster than usual. Remember you can turn the subtitles on/off with the CC option located on the bottom right. Use the wheel to choose French or English, but first repeat a couple of times without subtitles⊠here is an article on how to better your French comprehension. And here is my video! Enjoy!
And now back to French immersion teacher Emilie!
3 â Harvest in Time
Nous sommes mi-juillet, câest la pĂ©riode de la moisson. Cette pĂ©riode a longtemps Ă©tĂ© la plus importante de lâannĂ©e, encore plus importante que les vendanges.
It is mid-July, harvest time. This time of year has, for the longest time, been the most important time of the year, even more important than the grape harvest.
Si la rĂ©colte est bonne, les paysans sont assurĂ©s dâavoir assez de blĂ© pour faire de la farine et du pain, lâaliment de base absolu, ou encore pour nourrir les volailles.
If the harvest crop is good, the farmers are sure to have enough for flour and bread, the most basic of staple foods, and also to feed the hens.
A new approach to learning both traditional and modern French logically structured for English speakers.
4 â What is Straw in French = La Paille
La paille sert Ă couvrir le sol des Ă©tables pour les vaches ou Ă les nourrir lâhiver quand il nây a plus de foin.
The straw is used to spread on the floor of the cowsâ barns or to feed them when there is no more hay.
LâannĂ©e derniĂšre, il a beaucoup grĂȘlĂ© dans notre rĂ©gion aux pieds des PyrĂ©nĂ©es et la rĂ©colte a Ă©tĂ© maigre. Cette annĂ©e, câest une bonne annĂ©e. Les agriculteurs travaillent durs mais ils seront rĂ©compensĂ©s de leurs efforts.
Last year in our region at the foot of the Pyrenees, we had lots of hail and the yield was poor. This is a good year â the farmers work hard but they are going to be rewarded for their efforts.
Les semences ont lieu Ă la Toussaint : blĂ©, orge et avoine essentiellement, que lâon mĂ©lange parfois. La rĂ©colte commence quand les cĂ©rĂ©ales sont mĂ»res. Les agriculteurs surveillent la mĂ©tĂ©o, il doit faire sec !
Sowing happen around All Saints Day: mostly wheat, barley and oats, sometimes a mixture of all three. Harvest begins when the cereals are ripe and farmers keep an eye on the wheather. It has to be dry.
On entend le son des moissonneuses-batteuses dans la campagne jusque tard le soir. Elles coupent les épis et séparent les grains.
In the countryside, the sound of the combine harvesters can be heard until late in the evening. The machines cut and separate the grain.
La paille reste alors au sol un jour de plus pour ĂȘtre bien sĂšche.
The straw then remains on the ground for another day, to be completely dry.
Ensuite, une autre machine quâon appelle parfois « ramasseuse-presse », parfois « botteleuse » ou encore « roundballeuse » conditionne la paille (ou le foin) pour faciliter le transport, conservation et le stockage. En la pressant, il y a moins dâhumiditĂ© et dâanimaux opportunistes qui cherchent Ă se nourrir ou se loger.
Then another machine called a baler is used to bale or pack the straw or the hay, to make it easier to transport, stack and store. In compressing it, there is less humidity and less opportunity to house little animals seeking food and shelter.
5 â Straw in France Through Time
De nos jours, tout est mĂ©canisĂ©. Avec le progrĂšs les temps ont changĂ©. Autrefois on fauchait Ă la faux, rĂ©coltait les grains de blĂ© Ă la faucille ou encore on battait le blĂ© Ă lâaide de flĂ©aux. Tous les voisins se rĂ©unissaient et sâentre-aidaient. Il y avait une grande solidaritĂ© dans la communautĂ©.
Today, everything is mechanised ; with advanced in technology the customs have changed. In the olden days, reaping was done with a scythe, wheat was cut with a sickle and the grain was treshed with a flail. All the neighbours got together to help each other. There was a great community spirit.
En fonction de la rĂ©colte, on savait si on allait bien vivre le reste de lâannĂ©e. Comme câest sĂ©curisant de voir sa grange bien remplie de paille et de foin !
Based on the result of the harvest, one knew how well they would live for the rest of the year. How reassuring it is to see the barn filled with straw and hay!
Les anciens se souviennent des fĂȘtes de moisson avec nostalgie. Il y avait toujours un accordĂ©oniste qui parvenait Ă faire danser les travailleurs fatiguĂ©s.
The old generation remembers the harvest celebrations with nostalgia. There was always an accordeon player to encourage the tired workers to dance.
Ma belle-maman se rappelle des repas rĂ©confortants, souvent une poule au pot farcie accompagnĂ©e dâun cornichon. Et oui, la soupe et les plats chauds, câĂ©tait mĂȘme en Ă©tĂ©. Câest lĂ quâon se rencontrait et que les couples se formaient.
My mother-in-law remembers nourishing meals â often stuffed « poule au pot » with a side of gherkins. Yes, soup and hot dishes, even in the summer. It was at these get-togethers that people met each other and where many couples where formed.
Les ballots de paille restent aujourdâhui encore un terrain de jeux apprĂ©ciĂ© des petits comme des grands.
The straw bales are still a playground for young and old alike.
6 â What is Hay in French = Le Foin
La rĂ©colte des foins, elle, peut avoir lieu entre une fois et 3 fois par an. Cela dĂ©pend sâil pleut beaucoup.
The hay harvest can take place between one to three times a year. It depends if it rains a lot.
Le foin est fait Ă partir de lâherbe de prairies naturelles ou Ă partir de trĂšfle ou de luzerne semĂ©s. La qualitĂ© du foin dĂ©termine la qualitĂ© du lait des vaches ainsi que du fromage.
Hay is made up of natural meadow grass, clover or sown lucerne. The richness of the cowâs âmilk and the cheese depends on the quality of the hay.
Lâherbe est coupĂ©e verte. Comme la paille, elle est conditionnĂ©e le plus souvent de nos jours sous forme de rouleaux ou plus rarement de forme rectangulaire, comme câĂ©tait la tradition autrefois. Je vous prĂ©sente mon voisin Patrick qui habite la colline en face de chez moi. Lui, il continue Ă faire des bottes de paille rectangulaire !
The grass is cut when it is still green. Like straw, it is packed most often in round bales or more rarely in rectangular bales as it was traditionally done in the past. This is my neighbour, Patrick, who lives on the hill accross from me. He continues to make rectangular straw bales.
Jâaime beaucoup toutes ses formes gĂ©omĂ©triques dans le paysage ! Et je me sens chanceuse de voir tant de beautĂ©.
I very much like all these geometric shapes in the landscape and I feel fortunate to see so much beauty.
Et vous, à quoi ça vous fait penser les bottes de foin et les ballots de paille ?
And you ? What do the bales of hay and balls of straw make you think of ?