Saint Martin: The Caribbean lifestyle

Author: Chef Anthony At Pastreez

My name is Anthony, and I’m a French chef at Pastreez. Through my own experience of the island of Saint Marteen, in this French bilingual story I will describe its unique features and secret things to do!

My authentic French macaron recipe was not even a thought, when I used to live in Saint-Marteen. It was 15 years ago. To this date, my father and brother still live there, and I often visit them.

Two-sided island: A unique history

Saint-Martin a deux parties: cĂŽtĂ© Hollandais et cĂŽtĂ© Français. Chaque cĂŽtĂ© a ses propres autoritĂ©s, sa propre police, sa propre nationalitĂ©. C’est une situation unique au monde!

Saint-Martin has two sides: Dutch and French. Each side has its own regulation, own police, and own nationality. It is a unique situation in the world!

MĂȘme les voitures ont deux types de plaques d’immatriculation. Cela crĂ©e mĂȘme des opportunitĂ©s pour importer des vĂ©hicules AmĂ©ricains sur l’üle, ce qui ne serait pas possible en France continentale.

Even cars have two different license plates. This actually creates an opportunity to import American cars on the island, which is not possible in Continental France.

L’histoire derriĂšre cette Ăźle aux deux cĂŽtĂ©s remonte Ă  1648. A cette Ă©poque, l’üle Ă©tait occupĂ©e par les Hollandais.

The story behind this two-sided island goes back to 1648. At the time, it was occupied by the Dutch.

La France a tentĂ© de s’emparer de l’üle. Mais pour Ă©viter de dĂ©penser trop d’argent dans une guerre loin du continent, les deux pays ont signĂ© le “traitĂ© de Concordia”. Il divise simplement l’üle en deux parties: Sint-Maarten (cĂŽtĂ© Hollandais) et Saint-Martin (cĂŽtĂ© Français).

France tried to conquer the island. But to avoid spending money on a war far from the continent, the two countries signed the “Treaty of Concordia”. It basically divided the island in two parts: Sint-Maarten (Dutch side) and Saint-Martin (French side).

Le cĂŽtĂ© Hollandais fait 41 kilomĂštres carrĂ©, et le cĂŽtĂ© Français 54 kilomĂštres carrĂ©. Oui, c’est une Ăźle trĂšs petite!

The Dutch side is 41 square kilometers, and the French side is 54 square kilometers. Yes, a very small island!

Aujourd’hui, elle est peuplĂ©e de 73.000 habitants. Et chaque cĂŽtĂ© est toujours.. TrĂšs diffĂ©rent!

Today, it is populated by 73,000 inhabitants. And both sides are still.. Very different!

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Two sides. Two lifestyles.

Ces deux cÎtés sont complÚtement différents. Ne vous méprenez pas, chacun des cÎtés a des super plages et cÎtes.

These two sides are completely different. Don’t get me wrong, both sides have amazing beaches and shores.

Mais un cĂŽtĂ© respire la fĂȘte, les centres commerciaux, et toutes ces bonnes choses. Oui, il s’agit de la partie Hollandaise!

But one side breathes parties, shopping malls, concerts and all that good stuff. Yes, it is Dutch side!

De ce cĂŽtĂ© de l’üle, il y a des supers endroits pour se divertir pendant le jour et la nuit. Tu y trouveras des casinos, discothĂšques, palaces, un parcours de golf, et beaucoup plus.

On this side of the island, there are amazing spots to entertain during the day and the night. You’ll find casinos, clubs, resorts, a great golf court, you name it.

Un autre aspect important de ce cĂŽtĂ© de l’üle est son aĂ©roport international, nommĂ© Princesse Juliana, ou Sxm. Les voyageurs du monde entier peuvent atterrir ici Ă  Sint-Maarten, particuliĂšrement depuis les USA, via American Airlines et Jetblue.

Another great part of this side is its international airport, called Princess Juliana or Sxm. Travelers from all over the world can land here in Sint-Maarten, especially from the US, with American Airlines and Jetblue.

De l’autre cĂŽtĂ©, la partie française n’a seulement qu’un tout petit aĂ©roport qui s’appelle “Grand Case”, grande maison en CrĂ©ole.

On the other side, the French side has only one tiny local airport named “Grand Case”, big house in CrĂ©ole.

La partie française est plus traditionnelle. Pas de bars ou boĂźtes branchĂ©s, mais de trĂšs bons restaurants, des pĂątisseries oĂč tu peux acheter tes croissants et baguettes tĂŽt le matin.

The French part is more traditional. No fancy bars or clubs, but great restaurants, authentic bakeries where you can buy your croissants and baguettes early in the morning.

Si tu cherches une pĂątisserie française prĂšs de chez toi aux Etats-Unis, j’ai Ă©crit un article entier sur le sujet listant les meilleures dans tout le pays.

If you’re looking to find a French bakery near you in the US, I wrote an entire post listing the best ones in the whole country.

Things to do in Saint-Martin: My top picks

A chaque fois que je vais voir ma famille sur place, voici les activités que je préfÚre!

Every time I visit my family there, these are my must-do activities!

DĂ©jeuner Ă  Lottery Farm. Tu peux mĂȘme passer la journĂ©e ici! Ils ont une piscine privĂ©e, et le restaurant est littĂ©ralement suspendu dans les arbres. N’oublie pas de commander les mini burgers. Miam!

Lunch at Lottery Farm. You can even spend the day here! They have a private pool, and the restaurant is literally hanging in the trees. Make sure you take the mini burgers. Yum!

Une plage trĂšs isolĂ©e, qu’AUCUN touriste ne connaĂźt: La baie des amoureux. SituĂ©e sur le cĂŽtĂ© français, il est impossible d’y accĂ©der sauf si vous connaissez l’endroit. Pas de panneau ou d’indication. Mais les locaux pourront vous dire oĂč elle se trouve. C’est une petite plage pour deux, entre deux collines. Ne la rate pas!

A very secluded beach, that NO tourist at all knows about: “Lover’s bay”. Located on the French side, it is impossible to access unless you know about it. No signs or directions. But locals will be able to tell you where it’s at. It’s a very small beach for two, between two hills. Don’t miss it!

On me pose souvent la question, qu’est ce qu’un macaron? Et bien ici Ă  Saint-Martin, ils ont une pĂątisserie traditionnelle qui en fait! Et je vous recommande fortement “Sarafina’s French bakery”, que ce soit pour des pĂątisseries ou mĂȘme pour dĂ©jeuner.

I often get the question, what is a macaron? Well here in Saint Martin, they have a traditional bakery that makes them! And I highly recommend “Sarafina’s French bakery”, either for its pastries or even for lunch.

St Barth and Anguilla

Saint-Martin est aussi trùs proche d’autres üles. Les deux que je ne veux pas que vous ratiez sont St Barth et Anguilla.

Saint-Martin is also very close to other islands. The two that I don’t want you to miss are St Barth and Anguilla.

St Barth est français, et bien connu pour son train de vie luxueux. Ça vaut le coup d’y passer une journĂ©e, peut-ĂȘtre mĂȘme prendre un verre au Nikki beach local. St Barth a des endroits magnifiques. Des plages bien sĂ»r, mais un des plus cĂ©lĂšbres est.. son aĂ©roport! Tu as probablement vu ces multiples vidĂ©os. C’est un petit aĂ©roport juste derriĂšre une colline. Et il y a une route juste Ă  cĂŽtĂ© qui donne vue sur chaque cĂŽtĂ© de l’üle. Un superbe endroit!

St Barth is French, and well known for its luxury lifestyle. It is worth spending a day there, perhaps having a drink at the Nikki beach locally. St Barth has amazing spots. Beaches of course, but one of the most famous is.. The airport! You have probably seen that on many videos. It’s a small airport right over a hill. And there is a road nearby with the view of each side of the island. Amazing spot!

Enfin, Anguilla est Ă  30 minutes de Saint-Martin en bateau. Cette Ăźle est sans palace, casinos et grands distributeurs. C’est leur stratĂ©gie pour laisser l’üle aux locaux. Et ça marche bien! Cette Ăźle est un bijou. Les restaurants locaux situĂ©s sur la plage sont Ă  essayer absolument.

Lastly, Anguilla is about 30 minutes by boat from Saint-Martin. This island is clean of resorts, casinos and big retailers. That is their strategy to keep the island to locals. And it worked amazingly! The island is a gem. Local restaurants on the beach are a must try.

VoilĂ . J’espĂšre que je t’ai donnĂ© envie d’aller pratiquer ton français dans cette partie du monde. Tu y es dĂ©jĂ  allĂ© ? Laisse un commentaire pour nous raconter ton expĂ©rience et tes endroits prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©s !

So. I hope I made you want to practice your French in this part of the world. Have you been there yet ? Leave a comment to tell us about your experience and your favorite places!

Author: Chef Anthony At Pastreez

Chef Anthony At Pastreez

Have you ever asked yourself, where to find macarons near me? Anthony is the French chef at Pastreez, an online bakery where you can buy macarons online. It ships fresh to your door in the entire United States!

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