70 French Tree Names & Words & Video 🌳

Author: Camille Chevalier

French tree names list and French flowering tree vocabulary with English translations.

21 French Tree Names

Thank you to French immersion teachers Eliane and Suzanne for helping with these French tree name lists.

Let’s start with the names of common French trees.

  1. Un charme = hornbeam tree
  2. Un hĂȘtre = beech tree
  3. Un chĂątaignier = chestnut tree
  4. Un marronnier = horse chestnut tree see my video on how to translate chestnut in French
  5. Un marron = horse chestnut/ conker
  6. Un pin = pine tree
  7. Un Ă©rable = maple tree
  8. Un chĂȘne = oak tree
  9. Un bouleau = birch tree
  10. Un frĂȘne = ash tree
  11. Un tremble = aspen tree
  12. Un laurier = bay tree
  13. Un cĂšdre = cedar tree
  14. Un peuplier = poplar tree
  15. Un eucalyptus = eucalyptus tree
  16. Un Ă©rable = maple tree
  17. Un tilleul = linden tree
  18. Un olivier = olive tree
  19. Un séquoia = redwood tree
  20. Un épicéa = spruce tree
  21. Un saule = willow tree

Here’s a video I made in the woods about chestnuts in French. If you like my “understand French” videos, click on the video tab on this blog – bookmark it, or follow French Today on YouTube!

9 French Tree Words

This tree related vocabulary will prove useful as well.

  1. Un gland = acorn
  2. La cime de l’arbre = the top of the tree
  3. Une branche = branch
  4. Un tronc = tree trunk
  5. Un feuillage = foliage
  6. Une feuille = leaf
  7. Un bourgeon = bud
  8. Une Ă©corce = bark
  9. Un champignon = mushroom
  10. À feuilles persistantes = evergreen leaves
  11. Une forĂȘt = forest
  12. Un bois = wood (usually the small forest)
  13. Le bois = wood (usually the material)

17 French Flowering Tree Names

Now let’s study a list of French flowering trees. If you’d like to learn the French flower vocabulary, follow the link!

  1. Le mimosa – mimosa tree
  2. L’arbre à soie – silk tree
  3. Le sorbier – mountain ash tree
  4. Le sumac – sumac
  5. Le laurier – laurel
  6. Le tamaris – salt cedar tree
  7. Le cognacier du japon – Japanese quince
  8. Le lilac – lilac tree
  9. Le lilac de Californie / le cĂ©anothe – California lilac
  10. Le prunus – plum tree
  11. L’ajonc – gorse
  12. Le sureau – elder
  13. Le magnolia – magnolia tree
  14. Les camĂ©lia – camelia
  15. L’aubĂ©pine – hawthorn
  16. Le prunellier – blackthorn
  17. Le cornouillier – dogwood

Let’s practice this vocabulary with a video I made about the flowering trees in Brittany đŸŒș!

20 French Fruit Tree Names

To come up with fruit tree names, most of the time you take the name of the fruit in French, remove the “e” and add “ier”. There are a few exceptions
 as always in French!

  1. Le pĂȘcher – peach tree
  2. L’abricotier – apricot tree
  3. Le poirier – pear tree
  4. Le prunier – plum tree
  5. Le pommier – apple tree
  6. L’amandier – almond tree
  7. le cerisier – cherry tree
  8. le noisetier – hazelnut tree
  9. le noyer – wall-nut tree
  10. le prunier – plum tree
  11. l’oranger – orange tree
  12. le citronnier – lemon tree
  13. le pamplemoussier –
  14. le figuier – fig tree
  15. le bananier – banana tree
  16. le cocotier – coconut tree
  17. le manguier – mango tree
  18. l’avocatier – avocado tree
  19. le grenadier – pomegranate tree
  20. le cognacier – quince tree

Would you like to help me make a better list? Please add your suggestion (French and English please) to the comment section below. Merci!

Author: Camille Chevalier

Camille Chevalier

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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