50 French Flower Names & Practice Videos 🌹

Author: Camille Chevalier

Learn the French flower names and French flower terms with audio recordings. How to say perennials & annuals in French + French practice videos about flowers.

First, let’s see how to translate flower in French.

This free French lesson – like many on French Today’s blog – features audio recordings. Click on the link next to the headphones to hear the French pronunciation.

How Do You Say Flower in French?

The French word for flower is “une fleur“. It’s feminine. In the plural, flowers are “des fleurs” in French.

50 French Flower Names

  1. Une anémone – anemone
  2. Un azalée – azalea
  3. Un arum – calla lily
  4. Un aster – aster
  5. Un bégonia – begonia
  6. Un bleuet – cornflower
  7. Un bouton d’or – buttercup
  8. La bruyèreheather
  9. Une campanule – blue bell
  10. Une capucine – nasturtium
  11. Un coquelicot – wild poppy
  12. Un coucou – cowslip
  13. Un crocus – crocus
  14. Un chrysanthème – a mum, a chrysanthemum
  15. Un dahlia – dahlia
  16. Une digitale – foxglove
  17. Un freesia – freesia
  18. Un gardénia – gardenia
  19. Un géranium – geranium
  20. Une giroflée – wallflower
  21. Un glaïeul – gladiolus
  22. Une gueule de loup (un muflier) – snapdragon
  23. Un hibiscus – hibiscus
  24. Un hortensia – hydrangea
  25. Un iris – iris
  26. Une jacinthe – hyacinth
  27. Le jasmin – jasmine
  28. Une jonquille – daffodil
  29. La lavande – lavender
  30. Le lilas – lilac
  31. Un lys – lily
  32. Une marguerite – daisy
  33. Le muguetlily of the valley
  34. Un myosotis – forget-me-not
  35. Un narcisse – narcissus
  36. Un oeillet – carnation
  37. Une orchidée – orchid
  38. Une pâquerette – tiny wild daisy
  39. Un pavot – (large) poppy
  40. Une pivoine – peony
  41. Une pensée – pansy
  42. Une pervenche – periwinkle
  43. Un perce-neige – snowdrop
  44. Une primevère – primrose
  45. Une renoncule – ranunculus (buttercup)
  46. Une rose – rose
  47. Une rose trémière – hollyhock
  48. Un souci – marigold
  49. Un tournesol – sunflower
  50. Une tulipe – tulip
  51. Une violette – violet
  52. Un zinnia – zinnia

Looking for a longer list? Why don’t you help me by suggesting names of flowers – in French (with article) and English please – in the Disqus section below and I’ll add them to the list!

What about names flowering trees in French such as wisteria? Click for another article.

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Now let’s see other words related to flowers in French.

French Flower Vocabulary

  1. Vivace – perennial
  2. Annuel – annual
  3. Tardive – late
  4. Hâtive/précoce – early
  5. Un pétale – a petal
  6. La tige – the stem
  7. Le pistil – the pistil
  8. L’étamine – the stamen
  9. La feuille – the leaf
  10. Un bulbe – un bulb
  11. Une graine – a seed

And finally, let’s study some French verbs useful when talking about flowers in French.

5 French Flower Verbs

  1. Cueillir – to pick
  2. Pousser – to grow
  3. Planter – to plant
  4. Fleurir – to bloom
  5. Fâner – to wither

4 French Flower video Practice

I really do like flowers, even though unfortunately, I’m oversensitive to many pollens and scents… So it’s mostly flowers outside for me… But in Paimpol, Brittany, where I live, I don’t have a garden 😖 I do however have a tiny patio with many planters!!

Here is a short “live, unscripted” video I shot of the planters on my tiny patio. Sorry, no CC.

Here is another live video I shot at a flower grower. Use the CC option on the bottom right for English or French subtitles.

The region where I live, Brittany, is well-known for its hydrangeas… Subtitles in French and English available.

And another one of gorgeous hydrangea still in bloom in October!

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Author: Camille Chevalier

Camille Chevalier

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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