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Mandy nous raconte sa journĂ©e avec Pierre son hĂŽte et professeur dâimmersion en France. Mandy est Australienne, elle habite Ă Perth. Elle a passĂ© 5 semaines chez trois professeurs de French Today, 1 semaine chez Raymonde en Suisse, 2 semaines chez Marion dans le Beaujolais et enfin 2 semaines chez Pierre dans le Lot et Garonne. Beaucoup de dĂ©couvertes dans des rĂ©gions variĂ©es et beaucoup de progrĂšs dans la langue française !
Mandy is telling us her day with Pierre, her immersion host and teacher in France. Mandy is Australian, she lives in Perth. She spent 5 weeks with 3 French Today teachers, 1 week with Raymonde in Switzerland, 2 weeks with Marion in the Beaujolais and finally 2 weeks with Pierre in the Lot et Garonne. Lots of discovering in various areas and a lot of progress in the French language !
1 â Pujolsâ Marketplace
Dâabord, nous avons pris la voiture pour conduire jusquâau marchĂ© de Pujols. Il faisait un peu froid et brumeux en ce dimanche de novembre, mais la route Ă travers la campagne française Ă©tait merveilleuse quand mĂȘme.
We started the day by driving to the markets at Pujols. It was a little cold and foggy and this Sunday of November, but the drive through the French countryside was lovely in any case.
Quand on est arrivĂ©s, on a trouvĂ© le parking rempli de Porsches de diffĂ©rents types et couleurs. ll sâagissait, en fait, dâune association de Porsche en visite Ă Pujols. Quelle surprise agrĂ©able ! On ne sait jamais ce sur quoi on va tomber quand on se promĂšne en France !
When we arrived we found that half of the car park was filled by an array of Porsches of many different types and colours. It turned out that the association of Porscheâs was also visiting Pujols. What a pleasant surprise! You never know what youâll stumble upon when you are visiting France!
2 â Pujols Market in the Fall
Ătonnamment, il nây avait pas beaucoup dâĂ©tals au marchĂ© en ce dimanche suivant la Toussaint. AprĂšs une conversation avec une vendeuse trĂšs sympathique, on a rĂ©alisĂ© quâil y a beaucoup des vendeurs qui ne viennent pas Ă la basse saison dâoctobre Ă avril. Ce nâĂ©tait pas grave, jâai quand mĂȘme pu pratiquer mon français avec des marchands⊠En fait, le manque de marchand Ă©tait un bon sujet de conversation !
Surprisingly, there were not too many stalls at the markets on this Sunday after All Saintâs Day. After a conversation with a very nice vendor, we found out that many of the vendors donât come in the low season, from October until April. No big deal, I was still able to practice my French with vendors⊠Actually, the lack of vendors was a good subject of conversation!
AprĂšs le marchĂ©, nous voulions aller au restaurant, mais ils Ă©taient tous complets en ce dimanche suivant la Toussaint, et nous nâavions pas prĂ©vu le coup, et donc pas de rĂ©servation⊠Un restaurateur nous a dit que nous aurions peut-ĂȘtre plus de chance Ă Penne dâAgnenais, un petit village Ă cĂŽtĂ© de Pujols. Donc, nous avons suivi ses conseils et y sommes allĂ©s.
After the market, we wanted to go eat in a restaurant, but they were all full on this Sunday following All Saintâs Day, and we had not plan on it, and didnât make any reservation. A restaurant owner told us we may be more lucky in Penne dâAgnenais, a little village close to Pujols. So we took his advice and went.
3 â Discovering Penne dâAgnenais
ArrivĂ©s Ă Penne dâAgnenais,, nous avons trouvĂ© un cafĂ© restaurant qui Ă©tait complet Ă cette heure-lĂ , mais nous a dit de repasser un peu plus tard.
Once we were in Penne dâAgnenais, we found a cafĂ© restaurant which was full at that time, but told us to come back a bit later.
On est partis explorer le village, Pierre nây Ă©tait jamais allĂ© avant, donc, câĂ©tait vraiment un nouvelle aventure. Penne dâAgnenais est un trĂšs joli petit village. On a fait une jolie balade Ă travers des rues tortueuses et des allĂ©es offrant de chouettes vues et une belle architecture mĂ©diĂ©vale.
We set off to explore the village, Pierre had not been there before either so it really was a new adventure. Penne dâAgnenais is a gorgeous small village. We had a lovely walk through some winding streets and alleyways with many great views and beautiful Medieval architecture along the way.
Au moment oĂč nous sommes arrivĂ©s en haut de la colline, le brouillard sâest dissipĂ© et le soleil est sorti. On a dĂ©couvert un panorama magnifique sur la vallĂ©e du lot. Ce sont des moments comme celui-lĂ qui vous font sentir vivant !
By the time we got to the top of the hill, the fog had cleared and the sun was shining. We discovered a magnificent panoramic view over the Lot river valley. Itâs moments like those which make you feel alive!
Nous nâĂ©tions pas au bout de nos surprises ! On a continuĂ© notre marche et dĂ©couvert des grottes calcaires, des ruines et lâĂ©glise Notre-Dame de Peyragude, une Ă©glise relativement moderne, construite sur un site historique qui a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©moli pendant la RĂ©volution Française. La construction actuelle a Ă©tĂ© achevĂ©e dans les annĂ©es 40.
It wasnât the end of the surprises. We continued our walk to find limestone caves, ruins and the Notre-Dame de Peyragude, a relatively modern church, built on the historical site which was demolished during the French Revolution. The current construction was finished around 1945.
Le temps sâĂ©tait Ă©coulĂ© et il Ă©tait temps de retourner au cafĂ©. La chance nous a enfin souri, ils avaient une table pour nous!
The time had flown by and it was time to check back in at the cafe. Our luck finally changed on the lunch front, they had a table for us !
Pierre, lui, a choisi le saumon et moi, jâai pris le confit de canard. Les deux plats Ă©taient dĂ©licieux : ça valait vraiment la peine dâattendre!
Pierre chose the salmon, while I chose the confit duck. Both of our meals were delicious : it was definitely worth the wait!
AprĂšs dĂ©jeuner, on a regardĂ© un peu plus lâarchitecture tout en marchant jusquâĂ la voiture : on Ă©tait tellement fascinĂ©s et sous le charme du village, quâen fait on ne marchait pas du tout en direction de la voiture ! Pierre et moi avons bien ri !
After lunch, we looked at a little more of the architecture on our way back to the car : were so caught up in enjoying the village, that we were actually not heading towards the car at all ! Pierre and I had a good laugh!
On lâa trouvĂ©e finalement et on est retournĂ© Ă Pujols. Les Porsche commençaient Ă sâen aller quand on est arrivĂ©s.
We did get there in the end and headed back to Pujols. The Porsches had just started to leave as we arrived.
Traveling to France Off-Season
Pujols est un des plus beaux villages de France. CâĂ©tait chouette de voir le contraste entre le village trĂšs animĂ© le matin (Ă cause du marchĂ©) et puis calme et presque dĂ©sert lâaprĂšs-midi : on avait le village rien que pour nous ! Câest pour ça que je prĂ©fĂšre voyager en France Ă la saison basse : pas de touristes ! MĂȘme dans les villages typiquement touristiques ! AprĂšs avoir jetĂ© un petit coup dâĆil, il Ă©tait temps de rentrer Ă la maison.
Pujols is one of the most beautiful villages of France. It was lovely to have the contrast between the village very busy in the morning (because of the market) and then almost empty int he afternoon : we almost had the whole village to ourselves! Thatâs why I prefer traveling to France during the low season: no tourists! Even in the villages which are typically liked by tourists! After a quick look around it was time to head home.
Le retour en voiture Ă©tait encore plus spectaculaire, la lumiĂšre rĂ©haussait les couleurs de la campagne. Au final, câĂ©tait une journĂ©e trĂšs sympa et « notre chasse » pour dĂ©jeuner nous a conduit vers les trĂ©sors cachĂ©s dâun village mĂ©diĂ©val unique.
The drive home was even more spectacular, with the sunlight really bringing out the colours in the scenic countryside. All in all it was a lovely day and our hunt for lunch lead us to the truly hidden treasures of a unique medieval village.