How To Say Fish In French 🐟

Author: Eliane

Here is a list of French fish names including fish and seafood used for cooking + English translation.

How do you Say Fish in French?

The French translation for fish is : un poisson, des poissons.

How do you Pronounce Fish in French?

I’ve recorded these tricky words for you: please press play next to the headphones to hear the correct pronunciation.

Watch out! “un poisson” has a “sss” sound. “Le poison” (poison) has a “z” sound.

12 French Fish Names

Here are some French fish names you can easily find in fishmongers in France. Follow this link for more French food names with 450 audio files!

  1. Le saumon = salmon
  2. L’anchois = anchovy
  3. Le cabillaud / la morue = cod
  4. La truite = trout
  5. Le thon = tuna
  6. La lotte = monkfish
  7. Le lieu = pollack
  8. La sole = sole
  9. Le bar = sea bass
  10. La sardine = sardine
  11. Le maquereau = mackerel
  12. Le mulet = mulet

15 French Seafood Names

fish french vocabulary

The word to translate seafood in French is “les fruits de mer (m)” which literally translates into ‘the fruits of the sea’
 In this category, you’ll also find “les crustacĂ©es (m)” ‘crustaceans” and “les coquillages comestibles” ‘edible seashells’.

Watch out that “la coquille” is feminine and means ‘the shell of a seashell’, whereas “un coquillage” is masculine and is ‘a seashell’.

If you wanted to talk about the shell of a crustacean, like a crab’s shell, in French you’s say “la carapace”.
La coquille de la moule et la carapace de la crevette

  1. Une pieuvre = an octopus
  2. Un calamar = calamari
  3. Une huitre = an oyster
  4. Une moule = a mussel
  5. Un oursin = sea urchin
  6. Une palourde = a clam
  7. Une praire – a clam
  8. Une (noix de) Saint-Jacques = a scallop
  9. Un crabe = a crab
  10. Une araignée de mer = spider crab
  11. Une crevette = a shrimp
  12. Une gambas = a big shrimp
  13. Une langouste = spiny lobster
  14. Une langoustine = crayfish
  15. Un homard = lobster

French Fishmonger Vocabulary

  1. Un poissonnier = a fishmonger
  2. Une poissonniĂšre = a woman fishmonger
  3. Une poissonnerie = a fish store
  4. La pisciculture = fish farming
  5. L’ostrĂ©iculture = oyster farming
  6. Vidé et écaillé = prepared for cooking (emptied out and descaled)
  7. Un filet = filet
  8. Une arrĂȘte = fish bone
  9. Une Ă©caille = scale
  10. La queue = the tail
  11. Frais = fresh
  12. Surgelé = frozen

You may enjoy my easy salmon French English recipe.

Other French Fish Words

  1. Un poisson tropical = tropical fish
  2. Un poisson d’aquarium = aquarium fish
  3. Un poisson d’eau douce = freshwater fish
  4. Un poisson d’eau de mer = saltwater fish
  5. Un dauphin = a dolphin
  6. Un requin = a shark
  7. Une Ă©toile de mer = starfish
  8. Une algue = seaweed
  9. Une méduse = jellyfish
Author: Eliane


Bonjour, my name is Eliane and I'd love to welcome you for a French immersion homestay near Carcassone.

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