Un autre village charmant quâon trouve le long de la Loire est la petite bourgade dâAmboise. Le centre-ville, qui est au bas du chĂąteau dâAmboise, est caractĂ©risĂ© par des rues Ă©troites qui sont pleines de restaurants, de boutiques, et il y a mĂȘme une tour dâhorloge.
Another charming village that one finds along the Loire is the small town of Amboise. The town center, which is at the base of the chateau of Amboise, is characterized by narrow streets which are full of restaurants, boutiques, and even a clock tower.
1 â Touring Amboise in France
Le jour oĂč nous y Ă©tions, il y avait un grand marchĂ© fermier lĂ -bas. Nous avons achetĂ© du fromage, du pain, plusieurs pommes et une bouteille de vin. Puis, nous avons traversĂ© le pont qui passe au dessus du fleuve et nous avons trouvĂ© un banc Ă lâombre dâun arbre.
The day that we were there, there was a large farmerâs market. We bought some cheese, bread, several apples and a bottle of wine. Then we crossed the bridge which passes over the river and found a bench in the shade of a tree.
2 â Stroll in the French Loireâs Valley: The village of Amboise
Nous nous sommes assis sur le banc et nous avons pique-niquĂ© en admirant la vue du chĂąteau sur la colline qui surplombe le village et le fleuve. Ce chĂąteau, la maison oĂč le Roi de France, François Premier, et plus tard Marie, reine dâĂcosse, ont passĂ© leur enfance, domine vraiment la ligne dâhorizon.
We sat on the bench and picnicked while admiring the view of the chateau on the hill which overlooks the village and the river. This chateau, the house where the king of France, Francis 1st, and later Marie, queen of Scots, passed their childhood, really dominates the horizon.
3 â Amboise, Town of Leonardo Da Vinci
Plus tard, nous avons pris le temps dâaller voir la tombe de LĂ©onard de Vinci qui est situĂ©e Ă cĂŽtĂ© du chĂąteau dâAmboise. Ă lâinvitation de François Premier, qui Ă©tait un grand partisan des arts et un admirateur de LĂ©onard de Vinci, ce dernier avait passĂ© les trois derniĂšres annĂ©es de sa vie Ă Amboise.
Later, we took the time to visit the tomb of Leonardo da Vinci which is located next to the chateau of Amboise. At the invitation of Francis 1st, who was a great patron of the arts and an admirer of Leonardo da Vinci, the latter spent the last 3 years of his life in Amboise.
4 â The House of Leonardo Da Vinci â The Clos LucĂ© â In Amboise
De nos jours, lâancienne maison de LĂ©onard, le chĂąteau du Clos LucĂ©, est un musĂ©e. Dans le musĂ©e et le jardin qui entoure la vieille maison, on peut voir des modĂšles rĂ©duits des inventions de LĂ©onard et une collection de ses dessins.
These days, Leonardoâs former house, the chateau du Clos LucĂ©, is a museum. In the museum and the garden which surrounds the old house, one can view some small models of Leonardoâs inventions and a collection of his drawings.
Il y avait un souterrain qui reliait le Clos LucĂ© au chĂąteau du roi situĂ© 500 mĂštres plus loin. En utilisant le souterrain, François Premier pouvait voir LĂ©onard avec discrĂ©tion. On peut voir lâancienne entrĂ©e du souterrain mais on ne peut plus entrer dans le passage.
There was a tunnel which linked the Clos LucĂ© and the kingâs chateau situated 500 meters away. Utilizing the tunnel, Francis 1st could visit Leonardo with discretion. One can see the former entrance to the tunnel but one can no longer enter the passage.
Et voilĂ , câest tout pour aujourdâhui. Ă bientĂŽt.
Here you go, thatâs it for today. Talk to you soon!