How to Use the Pronoun EN in French & Audio Pronunciation

Author: Camille Chevalier

The French adverbial pronouns Y and En follow the same kind of logic. For each pronouns there are 2 main points to understand.

En in French Is Linked to a Notion ofĀ QUANTITY

The French pronoun ā€œenā€ replaces a noun. Unfortunately in French, there are many French pronouns to chose from according to the grammatical value of the noun, or the way itā€™s being used.

We use ā€œenā€ in French to replace a noun modified by a notion of quantity.

This quantity is likely to be introduced by a partitive article ā€œDe, du, de la, de lā€™, desā€ , or a French number such as ā€œun, une, trois, vingt-huitā€ā€¦ or a fraction ā€œun quartā€ā€¦ or an adverb of quantity ā€œbeaucoup de, un peu deā€ā€¦ or an expression of quantity ā€œun kilo de, un litre de, une boĆ®te deā€¦ā€.

  • Je veux 6 pommes = jā€™en veux 6. (the pronounā€enā€ replaces pommes, and we choose ā€œenā€ because of the notion of quantity: here the numberā€6ā€³, which is then repeated)

So, if you translate into English, you could say: ā€œI would like 6 apples ā€“ I would like 6 (of them)ā€ā€¦ but who would say ā€œof themā€ in English?? This is a situation where translating is not going to be very useful.

You need to understand the French logic and remember to apply it = when you replace a noun modified by a notion of quantity, you need to use the pronoun ā€œenā€ in French.

  1. Je bois de lā€™eau = jā€™en bois. (ā€œen replaces ā€œeauā€, and we choose ā€œenā€ because of the notion of quantity, here the partitive article ā€œde l'ā€)
  2. Je mange du gĆ¢teau = jā€™en mange. (because of the ā€œduā€)
  3. Jā€™achĆØte des pommes = jā€™en achĆØte (plusieurs) ā€“  (because of the ā€œdesā€). Note, you donā€™t have to say the ā€œplusieursā€ part (meaning several), but you can.
  4. Jā€™ai deux enfants = jā€™en ai deux. (because of the ā€œdeuxā€)

Note that you will always repeat a number and also an adverb of quantity or expression of quantity:

  1. Je voudrais beaucoup de sucre = jā€™en voudrais beaucoup. (ā€œenā€ replaces ā€œsucreā€, ā€œbeaucoupā€ is an adverb of quantity and you need to repeat it in your answer)
  2. Jā€™achĆØte un litre de vin = jā€™en achĆØte un litre. (ā€œenā€ replaces ā€œvinā€, ā€œun litreā€ is an expression of quantity and needs to be repeated in the answer)
  3. Je mange un paquet de petits-gĆ¢teaux = jā€™en mange un paquet. (ā€œenā€ replaces ā€œpetits-gĆ¢teauxā€, ā€œun paquetā€is an expression of quantity and needs to be repeated in the answer)

Remember that PAS is also a quantity, so youā€™d use ā€œenā€ and repeat the ā€œpasā€:

And ā€œun, uneā€ are also numbers, so they need to be repeated in the answer:

  • Tu as un chien ? oui, jā€™en ai un.
    Same remark. This is tricky for students of French who often forget to repeat the ā€œoneā€.
rules of en in french and cute dog

The French pronoun En Replaces a THING

The French pronoun En Replaces a THING Introduced by a Verb Followed by ā€œde, du, de la, de lā€™, desā€ (not a quantity here).

  1. Je rĆŖve de mes vacances = jā€™en rĆŖve
  2. Je parle de mon voyage = jā€™en parle

The ā€œde, du , desā€¦ā€ often comes from the verb meaning that this particular verb is going to be followed by the preposition ā€œdeā€, and that is why youā€™d be using a ā€œdeā€ there.

This is the case for my examples ā€œrĆŖver deā€ and ā€œparler deā€.

So, in order to master the French pronoun EN, you should really learn the most common verbs followed by the preposition de in French. And train on making sentences using EN with these verbs.

When the ā€œde, du, desā€¦ā€ introduce a person in this context, then you must use a stress pronoun (moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, elles)

  • Je rĆŖve de Jean = je rĆŖve de lui

French pronouns ā€“ including the pronoun EN and Y are explained and illustrated within the ongoing story of my Intermediate audiobook French learning method.

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En in French = Strong Liaison and Glidings

Now with the French pronoun ā€œenā€, itā€™s important to note that itā€™s followed by a strong liaison in ā€œnā€, and usually part of expressions that glide a lot in spoken French:

  • Il y en a = yan na
  • Il nā€™y en a pas = yan na pa
    So the negative form is pronounced almost the same way ā€“ only the pas (or plus, aucun..) will tell you itā€™s negative.

A lot of French people would make a mistake and write ā€œjā€™en nā€™ai pasā€ when it is actually ā€œJe nā€™en ai pasā€, just because the liaison with the pronoun ā€œenā€ in N is so strong that is sounds like the negative, and because we are so accustomed to writing ā€œnā€™ai pasā€ā€¦

It actually calls for a big effort to write ā€œje nā€™en ai pasā€œ, because the spoken glided French sounds like ā€œjan nay paā€ā€¦

To master French pronunciation and understand this notion of ā€œglidingā€ I suggest you check out my Secrets of French Pronunciation Audio Lesson.

En = French Preposition or Adverb?

Watch out that ā€œenā€ can also be a PREPOSITION or an ADVERB, having different meanings.

Please press play on the audio player to hear my recording.

  1. Il va en France ā€“ he goes to france
  2. lā€™avion fait Paris-Boston en 6 heures ā€“ it takes the plane 6 hrs to cover Paris-Boston
  3. Je vais Ć  Paris en voiture ā€“ I go to Paris by car
  4. Nous sommes en novembre, en 2020 ā€“ weā€™re in November, in 2020.

14 French Expressions With ā€œEnā€

Iā€™ll use the ā€œjeā€ form to illustrate these French expressions with ā€œenā€. Please press play to hear the audio recording. Note that when applicable, Iā€™ve used a modern spoken French pronunciation.

  1. Jā€™en ai marre = Iā€™m fed up
  2. Jā€™en ai assez = Iā€™ve had enough
  3. Jā€™en ai ras le bol = Iā€™ve had it
  4. Je lui en veux = Iā€™m mad at him/her
  5. Je mā€™en vais = Iā€™m leaving
  6. Ne tā€™en fais pas = donā€™t worry
  7. Jā€™en pince pour lui = I have a crush on him
  8. En route = on our way
  9. En avant / en arriĆØre = onwards, backward
  10. Pour en revenir Ć ā€¦ = to go back to (the subject at hand)
  11. Je suis en train de (+infinitive) = Iā€™m in the process of/ in the middle of
  12. On va en rester lĆ  = weā€™ll stop there
  13. En attendant = in the meanwhile
  14. Quā€™est-ce que vous en pensez = what do you think (of it)?

Humā€¦ Iā€™m feeling creative !!

Dialogue Featuring the Pronoun ā€œEnā€ and Expressions with ā€œEnā€

Use the floating blue icon in the bottom right to hide/reveal the English translations below or just click here.

ā€“ SĆ©rieusement ! Jā€™en ai vraiment ras le bol ! Je tā€™en veux terriblementā€¦Cā€™est sĆ»r, jā€™en pince pour toiā€¦ Mais je suis en train de rĆ©aliser que notre relation nā€™est pas possible. Toi et moi, on ne va pas en avant : on va en arriĆØre !! Jā€™en ai marre !
ā€“ Ne tā€™inquiĆØte pas, moi aussi jā€™en ai assez. Alors on va en rester lĆ . Je mā€™en vais.

ā€“ Iā€™m serious! Iā€™m really fed up with it all! Iā€™m super mad at youā€¦ For sure, I have a crush on youā€¦ but Iā€™m starting to realize our relation isnā€™t possible. You and I, weā€™re not moving forward: weā€™re going backwards! I canā€™t stand it anymore!
ā€“ Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ve had enough as well. So weā€™re going to call it quits. Iā€™m leaving.

I didnā€™t use them all but thatā€™s a good start, quā€™est-ce que vous en pensez ? šŸ¤£

You will remember grammar rules and vocabulary much better when you learn them in the context of a story. I highly recommend you check out my unique downloadable French audiobooks, featuring different speeds of recording and enunciation, and focussing on todayā€™s modern glided pronunciation, exclusively on sale on French Today.

And now, click this link to learn about the pronoun Y in French

Author: Camille Chevalier

Camille Chevalier

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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