Le Village de Sauzon – French Story & Translation

Let’s practice our French with this bilingual story and learn about the exclusive village of Sauzon, located on the pristine Belle-Ile-en-mer.

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Sauzon est une des quatre communes de l’üle et un port trĂšs pittoresque, un port typiquement breton, une petite baie authentique, avec ses maisons de pĂȘcheurs blanches, ses innombrables bateaux, et de chaque cĂŽtĂ©, des coteaux couverts d’ajoncs Ă©tincelants.

Sauzon is one of the four municipalities on the island and a very picturesque harbour, quite typical of a Bretton harbour, a genuine bay with small white fishermens houses, countless boats and on each side slopes covered with shining gorses.

C’est un endroit idĂ©al pour se balader ou pour se reposer en prenant un verre ou un repas Ă  la terrasse d’un restaurant, tout en observant l’activitĂ© du port.

It is an ideal spot to stroll around or to relax, with a drink or eating a meal on a terrace, watching the harbour activity.

French Poet Jacques Prévert and Sauzon

Sauzon Ă©tait pendant longtemps frĂ©quentĂ© par les artistes, et parmi eux, Jacques PrĂ©vert (1900-1977), qui Ă©crivit mĂȘme certains poĂšmes sur Belle-Île.

Sauzon was once frequented by many artists, and amongst them, Jacques PrĂ©vert, who even wrote some poems about Belle-Île.

Kid Hunt on Belle-Ile

Jusqu’à la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Belle-Ile Ă©tait tristement connue pour son bagne d’enfants. En 1934,  les mineurs « dĂ©linquants Â» qu’elle accueille au sein de sa colonie pĂ©nitentiaire se rĂ©voltent et s’enfuient, suite au tabassage d’un des enfants. Les bonnes gens des alentours sont appelĂ©s Ă  la rescousse : «20 francs pour tout fugitif capturé».

Until the Second World War, Belle-Île was also known, sadly, for its penal colony for children. In 1934, some of the young “criminals” who were jailed there revolted and ran away because one of them got beaten up. Good people around town were asked to help, with the reward: “20 francs for each fugitive caught”.

La chasse à l’enfant pouvait commencer

The hunting of children could start

Jacques PrĂ©vert, choquĂ© par un tel Ă©vĂ©nement, Ă©crit alors le poĂšme La Chasse Ă  l’enfant, dont voici le dĂ©but :

Jacques PrĂ©vert, shocked by such an event, wrote his poem “Kids Hunting”, which starts as follow :

Bandit ! Voyou ! Voleur ! Chenapan !

Bandit!  Lout! Thief! Rascal!

Au-dessus de l’üle, on voit des oiseaux

Over the island one sees birds

Tout autour de l’üle il y a de l’eau

All around the island there is water

Bandit ! Voyou ! Voleur ! Chenapan !

Bandit!  Lout! Thief! Rascal!

Qu’est-ce que c’est que ces hurlements

What are these howls

Bandit ! Voyou ! Voleur ! Chenapan !

Bandit!  Lout! Thief! Rascal!

C’est la meute des honnĂȘtes gens

That is the crowd of honest people

Qui fait la chasse à l’enfant

Hunting kids

If you liked this article, why not consider a stay at Suzanne’s home in Brittany to better your French? Here is more info about the French Immersion Residential courses recommended by French Today.


Bonjour! My name is Michel and I live in Brittany and also in Canada. I will share my love of these regions with you in my articles.

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