10 Ways of Wishing Merry Christmas in French & Audio Pronunciation

Author: Camille Chevalier

Here are several ways to wish someone a merry Christmas in French as well as examples of French Season’s Greetings with audio recordings & English translations.

It’s Christmas time and you’d like to wish a merry Christmas to your French friends. That’s a great idea!

Here are several ways to wish someone a merry Christmas in French as well as examples of French Season’s Greetings. I’ve recorded everything for you, just press play where you see 🎧 or the audio player.

Let’s start by the most common way to say merry Christmas in French.

How To Say Merry Christmas in French

The most common way of wishing merry Christmas in French is to say “joyeux NoĂ«l !”. And it’s enough, you don’t have to add anything to it. Just like you could say “Merry Christmas in English and leave it at that.

Or you could also make more complex sentences. So you could say:

  1. Je vous souhaite un joyeux NoĂ«l – I wish you a merry Christmas (talking to several people or one person you are being formal to – see tu vs vous in French)
  2. Je te souhaite un joyeux NoĂ«l – I wish you a merry Christmas (talking to one person you are being informal to).
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How To Say Happy Holidays in French

Another popular greeting in this period of the year is to wish someone happy holidays. Happy holidays in French would be “joyeuses fĂȘtes”. You could add “de fin d’annĂ©e” to stipulate it’s the ‘end of year’ holidays, but it’s not necessary.

So you could say:

  1. Joyeuses fĂȘtes – Happy Holidays
  2. Joyeuses fĂȘtes de fin d’annĂ©e – Happy Holidays
  3. Je vous souhaite de joyeuses fĂȘtes – Je te souhaite de joyeuses fĂȘtes – happy holidays.

You could also say “bonnes fĂȘtes”, “excellentes fĂȘtes”

How to Say Season’s Greetings in French

To say Season’s Greetings in French we say “meilleurs voeux”. This can be used alone, or applied to a particular event.

  1. Meilleurs voeux – Season’s Greetings
  2. Meilleurs voeux pour les fĂȘtes – Greetings for the Holidays
  3. Meilleurs voeux pour la nouvelle annĂ©e – Greetings for the new year

10 Ways of Wishing Merry Christmas in French

Now let’s get creative: here are ten Season’s Greetings in French you could send to your friends. Please press play on the audio player to hear my recordings of these French Season’s greetings.

  1. Meilleurs voeux pour un joyeux Noël plein de joie et une nouvelle année remplie de bonheur.
    Best wishes for a merry Christmas full of joy and a new year full of happiness.
  2. Joyeux Noël à toi et à tes proches !
    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
  3. Que la paix et la joie de NoĂ«l vivent en vos coeurs pendant toute l’annĂ©e.
    May the peace and happiness of Christmas live in your hearts all year long.
  4. Passez de trĂšs heureuses fĂȘtes mes chers amis !
    I hope you enjoy a great holiday season my dear friends!
  5. Je te souhaite d’excellentes fĂȘtes de NoĂ«l au sein de ta famille. J’espĂšre que tu auras plein de cadeaux et que tu profiteras bien du repas, du champagne, et de tes proches !
    I’m wishing you an excellent Christmas time with your family. I hope you’ll receive plenty of gifts and that you’ll enjoy the Christmas meal, Champagne and your loved ones!
  6. Que la magie de Noël vous apporte joie et bonheur.
    May the magic of Christmas bring you joy and happiness
  7. Profitez de la magie spĂ©ciale des FĂȘtes.
    Enjoy the special magic of the Holidays.
  8. Pour Noël, nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de cadeaux sous le sapin

    et beaucoup d’amour dans votre coeur.
    For Christmas, we wish you many presents under the Christmas tree
 and lots of love in your heart.
  9. En ces fĂȘtes de fin d’annĂ©e, nous vous souhaitons de tout cƓur, que vos vƓux deviennent rĂ©alitĂ©.
    During this holiday season, we wish with all our heart that your wish may come true.
  10. (Olivier, Leyla et moi) nous vous souhaitons un excellent NoĂ«l et de trĂšs bonnes fĂȘtes de fin d’annĂ©e.
    (Olivier, Leyla and I) we wish you a merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

I’ve written many articles about Christmas, including a French Christmas Dialogue with audio and English translation.

Joyeuses fĂȘtes de fin d’annĂ©e Ă  tous !

Author: Camille Chevalier

Camille Chevalier

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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