If you know more French wine terms and would like me to add them to the list, please leave a comment below (French with English translation please!).
How to Say Wine in French?
Wine in French is âle vinâ. Itâs pronounced using a French nasal sound : un bon vin blanc (a good white wine).
There are many different kinds of French wine, often differentiated according to their region of production and grape. But the four more frequent wine types in French are:
- le (vin) rouge â red wine
- le (vin) blanc â white wine
- le (vin) rosĂ© â rosĂ© wine
- le (vin de) champagne â champagne
7 Synonyms For Wine in French
Surprisingly, there are few French synonyms for wine. Here are some words we use to replace the word wine in French!
- Le pinard â slang for wine
- La vinasse â pejorative synonym for wine, used to talk about bad wine
- La piquette â pejorative synonym for wine, used to talk about bad wine
- Le rouge, le rosĂ©, le blanc â wine according to its color: red, rosĂ© (pink), white
Je vais prendre un verre de blanc
Iâll have a glass of white wine - Any wine producing region name could be used instead of the generic term wine, without repeating the word wine.
Jâadore le Bourgogne.
I love Burgundy (wine).
And now letâs study some common French wine terms.
50 French Wine Terms
Some of these wine terms have to do with making wine and are rather specific, others are very common and have to do with wine bottles and wine tasting. Please make more suggestions!
- le raisin : grape (not to mistake with âune grape de raisinâ â a grape cluster)
- une grappe : a bunch
- ramasser : to pick up
- une serpette : a pruning knife
- un sécateur : pruning shears
- un Ă©grappoir â destemmer. (Separates the grapes from the stems)
- un cuvage : a vat room
- un seau : a bucket
- un porteur / un jarlot : a porter, a carrier
- une benne : a dumpster
- une cuve : a vat
- un vigneron. une vigneronne : a winemaker
- le vignoble : vineyard
- une vigne : a vine
- un cep de vigne : a vine stock
- une feuille : a leaf
- un bourgeon : a bud
- une hotte : a pannier
- la vendange : the harvest
- le ban des vendanges : start date of harvest
- un vendangeur : a (grape) picker
- la main dâoeuvre : labor force
- une région viticole : a winegrowing region
- une bouteille â a bottle
- le cul de la bouteille â the bottom of the bottle
- le goulot â the neck of the bottle
- une Ă©tiquette â a label
- un bouchon â a cork
- un tire-bouchon â a corkscrew
- un verre Ă pied â a wine glass
- une coupe / une flĂ»te Ă champagne â champagne glass
- une carafe â a wine carafe
- un dĂ©canteur â wine decanter
- dĂ©canter â to decanter
- le cĂ©page â grape variety : it can be grenache, syrah, mourvĂšdre, etc.
- le millĂ©sime â the vintage
- un sommelier, une sommeliĂšre â a wine waiter
- un / une Ćnologue â an oenologist
- un / une caviste â a wine cellar employee
- un amateur / une amatrice de vin â a wine lover
- Faire une dĂ©gustation de vin â To take a wine tasting.
- Aller boire un verre / aller prendre un verre / aller boire un coup â To go get a drink
- Un bar Ă vin â A wine bar
- Une cave Ă vin â A wine cellar
- Faire tourner le vin dans son verre â To swirl the wine in your glass
- prendre une gorgĂ©e â To take a sip
- Les arĂŽmes â describe the aromasâŠ
- Des notes fruitĂ©es, florales, torrĂ©fiĂ©es â Fruity, floral, or roasted hintsâŠ
- Des arĂŽmes frais, fruitĂ©s, vĂ©gĂ©taux, Ă©picĂ©s â Fresh, fruity, vegetal, spicy aromas
- La couleur/ la robe â The color
- La limpidity â The clarity
- La brillance â The brightness (used mostly for white wines)
- Cracher â To spit the wine out
- Avaler â to swallow
- ApprĂ©cier un bon vin â to enjoy a good wine
I hope all this vocabulary will come in handy during your next trip to France. Follow this link should you like to know how to drink wine like the French, and avoir faux pas, this link for a list of French wine sentences, and raise a glass to me!