French Wine Phrases & Expressions

Author: Camille Chevalier

Do you know how to say cheers in French? Learn how to order wine, and useful French wine sentences to comment about wine in French.

How To Say Cheers In French?

In France, it’s common to cheer with your friends by clicking glasses and looking at each person straight into the eyes. More about French drinking etiquette.

  1. À ta/votre santé – Cheers !
  2. À la tienne / à la vôtre – cheers to you!
  3. Tchin-tchin – cheers (casual – sound of glass clicking)!
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10 Ways To Comment on Wine in French

4 Good Wine Comments 😁

Here are sentences to comment on a good wine in French.

  1. Il est délicieux
    It’s delicious
  2. C’est parfait, merci.
    Perfect, thanks.
  3. Je vous remercie pour votre conseil.
    Thank you for your advise.
  4. Ce vin est splendide, formidable, merveilleux !
    This wine is splendid, great, marvellous.

In this article, you’ll find more ways to comment about food in French.

6 Bad Wine Comments 🥺

Here are sentences to comment on a bad wine in French, or state problems.

  1. Il est trop sec / sucré / doux / aigre !
    It’s to dry / sweet / sweet / sharp !
  2. Je suis très déçu(e).
    I’m very disappointed.
  3. Ce vin est bouchonné.
    This wine is corked
  4. Il est trop frais / froid / chaud
    It’s too cool / cold / warm
  5. Est-ce qu’on pourrait avoir un sceau à glace ?
    Could we get a drink cooler?
  6. J’aimerais que vous nous changiez la bouteille.
    Please change the bottle for us.
how to drink french wine

13 Useful French Wine Sentences

Here is a useful list of wine sentences to order some wine in a restaurant.

But first a tip: when you order wine in France, avoid « je veux », which is quite agressive when asking for something.
However you can say :

  1. je vais prendre…s’il vous plaît – I’ll have…
  2. je voudrais / j’aimerais / je prendrais ….s’il vous plaît (using the French conditional) – I would like/take

So now let’s see some French sentences useful to order wine at a restaurant in France:

  1. Est-ce que je peux avoir la carte des vins s’il vous plait?
    May I have the wine list please?
  2. Est-ce que vous servez du vin au verre?
    Do you serve wine by the glass ?
  3. Est-ce que vous avez des demi-bouteilles?
    Do you offer half-bottles of wine ?
  4. Quel vin est-ce que vous me recommandez?
    Which wine do you recommend ?
  5. Quel vin est-ce que vous me conseillez pour aller avec ce plat?
    Which wine do you recommend to go with this dish?
  6. J’hésite entre deux vins, vous pouvez me conseillez?
    I hesitate between two wines, could you help me ?
  7. J’aime les vins légers et frais.
    I like light and fresh wines
  8. Je préfère les vins fruités.
    I prefer fruity wines.
  9. J’ai une préférence pour les vins blanc secs.
    I have a preference for dry white wines.
  10. Je n’apprécie pas les vins liquoreux.
    I don’t like sweet wines.
  11. En général je bois des vins forts, charpentés.
    In general I drink strong-bodied wines
  12. J’aime bien le Chardonnay ou le Pinor noir.
    I like Chardonnay or Pinot noir.
  13. Je n’aime pas du tout les vins minéraux.
    I really don’t like mineral wines.

I hope all this vocabulary will come in handy during your next trip to France. Follow this link should you like to know how to drink wine like the French, and avoir faux pas, this link for a list of French wine vocabulary, and raise a glass to me!

Author: Camille Chevalier

Camille Chevalier

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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