French Bathroom Routine & Video 🛀

Author: Camille Chevalier

Learn the French bathroom vocabulary and then watch a daily bathroom routine in French with a fun video in featuring the video game “the Sims”.

This video featuring the Sims really hits two birds with one stone :

  1. The French bathroom vocabulary
  2. The French reflexive verbs (the “se” verbs), which are used a lot in the bathroom routine. Follow this link to my article about the French reflexive / pronominal verbs.

Scroll down to watch the video!

1 – French Shower, Bath and Bathroom Vocabulary

  1. La salle de bain(s) – bathroom – 2 spellings are possible, with or without the s.
  2. La salle de douche – shower room
  3. Le cabinet de toilette – a room with a sink, sometimes a shower, sometimes a toilet.
  4. Les toilettes – Restrooms in French
  5. Une baignoire – a bathtub
  6. Un bain – a bath
  7. Une douche – a shower (not a douche
  8. Un lavabo – bathroom sink (≠ un Ă©vier = kitchen sink)
  9. Un bidet – ahh, the infamous French bidet. A small bathroom furniture in which you wash
 your feet of course :-)
  10. Un rideau (de douche) – a (shower) curtain
  11. Le pommeau de douche – the shower head
  12. La poignĂ©e de douche – the hand shower
  13. Le robinet – the tap
  14. Le siphon – the drain
  15. Prendre un bain – to take a bath
  16. Prendre une douche – to take a shower
  17. Se laver – to wash
  18. Se laver les cheveux – to wash your hair
  19. Se rincer – to rinse
  20. Se brosser les dents, les cheveux – to brush your teeth, your hair
  21. Le savon – soap
  22. Le gel-douche – shower gel
  23. Du bain moussant – bubble bath
  24. De la mousse – foam
  25. Le shampoing – shampoo (pronounce it shan(nasal) poin(nasal))
  26. L’aprùs-shampoing – conditioner
  27. Une brosse – a brush
  28. Un sùche-cheveux – a hair dryer
  29. Une Ă©ponge – a sponge
  30. Le gant de toilette – a wash cloth (usually a rectangular glove in France, not just a small towel)
  31. La serviette de toilette / de bain – towel
  32. Le tapis de bain – bathroom rug
  33. La douche fuit – the shower is leaking
  34. Il y a une fuite – there is a leak
  35. La baignoire est bouchĂ©e – the bathtub is clogged
  36. L’eau est froide, tiĂšde, chaude, brĂ»lante – the water is cold, cool, warm, scolding hot

Now, follow this link to learn everything about asking for the restroom in French, and related French toilet vocabulary.

Also, do you know how to wash your hair in a French style bathtub (with only a hand shower and often no curtain)?

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2 – Learn French Daily Bathroom Video

Now, let’s learn the French daily bathroom routine vocabulary in the context of an easy story featuring the video game “The Sims”

You will notice that many toiletry related verbs use a “se” construction: so I suggest you first read my article about French reflexive verbs.

If you enjoy learning French in context, check out French Today’s downloadable French audiobooks: French Today’s bilingual novels are recorded at different speeds and enunciation, and focus on today’s modern glided pronunciation. 

3 – French Transcript and English Translation of the Video

Notre Sim dort.
Our Sim is sleeping.

Maintenant, elle se rĂ©veille, elle se lĂšve, et elle va dans la salle de bains.
Now she wakes up, she gets up and she goes into the bathroom.

Elle va aux toilettes, elle fait pipi et puis elle s’essuie et elle tire la chasse.
She uses the bathroom, she pees, then she wipes herself and flushes.

Elle se lave les mains avec du savon liquide, et puis elle va prendre une douche.
She washes her hands with liquid soap, then she takes a shower.

Elle se dĂ©shabille et puis elle rentre dans sa douche et elle se lave avec du gel pour la douche : elle se frotte bien.
She gets undressed and then enters her shower and washes with shower gel: she scrubs herself energetically. 

Et puis elle se lave les cheveux avec du shampoing.
And then, she washes her hair with shampoo.

Peut ĂȘtre qu’elle se rase, on sait pas !
Maybe she shaves, we don’t know!

Elle se rince les cheveux et pendant tout le temps de sa douche, elle chante !
She rinces her hair and during all the time of her shower, she sings!

Avec les Sims, c’est magique. Elle ne s’essuie pas, elle ne s’habille mĂȘme pas ! Un tour et elle est prĂȘte !
With the Sims, it’s magical. She doesn’t dry herself, she doesn’t even get dressed! A spin and she is ready! 

Elle se lave les dents avec une brosse Ă  dent et du dentifrice.
She brushes her teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Elle se regarde dans le miroir. Normalement, elle devrait se coiffer les cheveux, se sécher les cheveux et puis se mettre de la crÚme, et se maquiller: se faire les yeux, et se mettre du brillant à lÚvre.
She looks at herself in a mirror. In the normal life, she should comb her hair, dry her hair and moisturize her skin, and apply make-up: do her eyes and put some gloss.

Mais encore une fois, un Sim n’a pas besoin de faire tout ça.
But once more, a Sim doesn’t need to do all that.

Maintenant, elle va dans sa chambre, et elle va se changer : peut ĂȘtre qu’elle va se mettre en tenue de sport, ou bien tout simplement en jean et en T-shirt, ou encore elle peut se mettre une robe.
Now, she goes to her room and changes: maybe she’ll put a sports outfit on, or just a jean and T-shirt, or else she can wear a dress.

If you enjoyed this video, please press like, and share it with your students and teachers – I think this makes a fun video to use in the classroom, don’t you ? Let me know what you think – I read all the comments and your feedback is very important to me.

Subscribe to French Today’s YouTube Channel to learn French vocabulary and grammar with the popular video games The Sims and Minecraft in French.

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Author: Camille Chevalier

Camille Chevalier

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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