35 Words To Describe The Face in French & Video 😋

Author: Camille Chevalier

Let’s learn the French face vocabulary about the face, and then see it come alive with my video featuring the video game “the Sims” in French.

Let’s learn the face French vocabulary and expression – scroll down to watch the video with the Sims.

1 – The Face – Le Visage in French

  1. le front – forehead
  2. le nez – nose. Z is silent but makes the e sound Ă©. In the plural, there is no s – un nez, des nez.
  3. la joue – cheek
  4. le menton – chin
  5. une oreille – ear

Le visage is located on “la tĂȘte”. The face is located on the head.

On top of “la tĂȘte” is a special kind of hair: this hair in French is called “les cheveux”.

A single piece of hair would be “un cheveu” in the singular, but in French, when we refer to the ensemble of the hair, as in when you comb your hair, or style your hair, we use “cheveux” in the plural.

2 – Pronunciation of Eye in French

  1. Un oeil – one eye – has a strong liaison in N.
  2. Les yeux – In the plural, you will almost always have a Z sound starting the word “z-yeux” because of the word which comes before it, and the liaison, so you may as well memorize the sound “zieu” for it.
  3. La paupiùre – the eye lid
  4. Un cil – an eye lash – L pronounced
  5. le sourcil – eyebrow (L silent)

And then, another strange word : “un cil”, des “cils”, this time with the final L pronounced : the eye-lashes.

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3 – Mouth in French

  1. la bouche – mouth
  2. La lĂšvre (supĂ©rieure / infĂ©rieure ) – upper / lower lip
  3. La dent – tooth
  4. La langue – the tongue
  5. l’épiglotte – epiglottis

4 – Inside the Head

  1. le cerveau – brain
  2. le pharynx – pharynx
  3. l’Ɠsophage – esophagus
  4. la gorge – throat
  5. le sinus – sinus
  6. le palais – palate
  7. la langue – tongue
  8. le larynx – larynx
  9. les cordes vocales – vocal cords
  10. la pomme d’Adam – Adam’s apple
  11. La machoire – the jaw

5 – French Idiomatic Expressions With The Face

  1. Oeil pour oeil, dent pour dent – an eye for an eye
  2. Ça se voit comme le nez au milieu de la figure – it’s obvious
  3. Tomber nez à nez avec quelqu’un – to run into someone
  4. Ne pas fermer l’oeil de la nuit – to have a sleepless night
  5. Avoir un oeil contre quelqu’un – to have something against someone
  6. Regarder quelqu’un d’un oeil noir – to give bad looks to someone
  7. Être une langue de vipùre – to tell bad gossips
  8. Avoir l’eau à la bouche – to have your mouth water for something
  9. Le bouche à oreille – word of mouth

6 – Learn French With The Sims – Video About the French Face Vocabulary

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Author: Camille Chevalier

Camille Chevalier

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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