Bonjour Ă tous. My name is Emilie and Iâm a French immersion teacher and host in the PyrĂ©nĂ©es mountains region.
Please start by studying the vocabulary listed in this article: then read my free French English bilingual story about my winter hike in France, featuring hide and reveal English translation.
French Hiking Vocabulary
- Une randonnée (or rando for short) = a hike
- Une randonneur, une randonneuse = hiker
- Une balade = leisure walk
- Une promenade = leisure walk
- Randonner = to hike
- un anorak = ski jaket
- une combinaison de ski = ski suit
- des Moon Boots (f) ou des aprĂšs-ski (m) = snow boots, Moon boots
- des chaussures de marche (f) = walking shoes
- des chaussures de randonnée (f) = hiking shoes
- ĂȘtre Ă©quipĂ© de = equipped with, fitted with
- Suivre = to follow
- Conduire, Mener = to lead
- Un sac Ă dos = backpack
- Le balisage = trail marking
- Un sentier = path
- Une piste = track
- Une route forestiĂšre = road through the woods
- Un itinéraire = route
- Un panneau = sign [ftproduct_ad id=â81098âł]
- Une boucle = loop
- une ascension = ascent, climb
- Le dénivelé = elevation
- Le point de départ = starting point
- Lâaller = the way in
- Aller-retour =Â round trip
- Suivre = to follow
- Atteindre = to reach
- Rejoindre = to rejoin
- Emprunter un chemin = to follow a path, follow a trail
- Prendre un chemin = to take a path
- Une montée = climb
- Raide = steep
- Une pente = slope
- Un pĂąturage = pasture
- Un versant = mountain side
- La montagne = the mountains
- Une crĂȘte = ridge
- Une vue dégagée = an unobstructed view
- Une cabane = wooden-house
- Un refuge = shelter
- un encas = snack
- un pique-nique =picnic
- Sâhydrater = to get hydrated
- La crĂšme solaire = sunscreen
- un troupeau = herd
- une bĂȘte, un animal = animal
- la neige = snow
- un rapace = raptor bird
- un oiseau de proie = bird of prey
You may also enjoy Pierreâs hikes in Midi-Quercy and Camilleâs hikes in Provence !