French Terrorism Vocabulary

Author: Camille Chevalier

French terrorism terms presented as a list of French vocabulary with English translation including the pronunciation of Fluctuat Nec Mergitur with Audio.

1 ā€“ French Terrorism Vocabulary

  1. Le terrorisme = terrorism (watch out for the pronunciation, in English, it sounds like ā€œrezumā€ at the end. In French, the ee is long so it sounds like ā€œreez meā€
  2. Un/une terroriste = a terrorist
  3. La terreur = terror
  4. La peur = fear
  5. Avoir peur = to be afraid (watch out, we use ā€œto haveā€ fear in French)
  6. La panique = panic

2 ā€“ Un attentat = a terrorist attack

  1. Une attaque = an attack
  2. Une bombe = a bomb
  3. Un dƩtonateur = a detonator
  4. Une explosion = an explosion
  5. Un incendie criminel = a criminal fire
  6. Exploser une bombe = to trigger a bomb (proper)
  7. Faire sauter une bombe = to trigger a bomb (colloquial)
  8. Diffuser une bombe = to defuse a bomb
  9. Une alerte Ć  la bombe = a bomb scare/alert
  10. Une voiture piƩgƩe = a car bomb
  11. Un auteur dā€™attentat-suicide / une bombe humaine / un kamikaze = a suicide bomber

3 ā€“ Un otage = an hostage ā€“ always masculine, strong liaison in N (un notage)

  1. Un prisonnier = a prisoner
  2. Un ravisseur = a kidnapper
  3. Prendre / exƩcuter / libƩrer un otage = to take / kill /free hostages
  4. Traquer les terroristes = to track down terrorists
  5. SoupƧonner quelquā€™un = to suspect someone
  6. Un suspect (c and t silent) = a suspect

4 ā€“ Une arme = a weapon

  1. Une arme a feu = a firearm
  2. Un revolver, un pistolet = a handgun
  3. Une mitrailleuse = a machine gun
  4. Une mitraillette = an automatic handgun, a Tommy gun
  5. Un fusil = a rifle
  6. Une balle = a bullet
  7. Tirer sur quelquā€™un = to shoot at someone
  8. Se faire tirer dessus = to be shot at
  9. Tuer quelquā€™un = to kill someone
  10. Abattre quelquā€™un = To intentionally kill someone with a weapon / to strike someone down
  11. Abattre un avion = to bring down a plane
  12. Blesser quelquā€™un = to wound someone
  13. Un blessĆ©, une blessĆ©e = a wounded man/woman
  14. Un mort (t silent) = a dead man
  15. Une morte (t pronounced) = a dead woman
  16. Un passant innocent = an innocent bystander
  17. Dons de sang/dons du sang = blood donation
  18. Appel aux dons du sang = (official) request for blood donations

5 ā€“ Renforcer la sĆ©curitĆ© = to tighten security

  1. Un, une tƩmoin = a witness
  2. Interroger = to interrogate, to question
  3. Un barrage = a road-block
  4. Une frontiĆØre = a border
  5. Fermer/ ouvrir les frontiĆØres = close/open up the borders
  6. Fouiller = to search for
  7. Revendiquer une attaque = to claim responsibility for an attack
  8. Etre impliquƩ dans = to be involved in
  9. Une cellule terroriste = a terrorist cell
  10. Un rƩseau = a network

6 ā€“ Un extrĆ©miste = an extremist

  1. Le fanatisme = fanaticism
  2. Au nom de = in the name of
  3. La politique = politic
  4. La religion = religion
  5. La ChrƩtientƩ = Christianity
  6. Le bouddhisme = buddhism
  7. Lā€™Islam = Islam
  8. Dieu = God
  9. Allah = Allah
  10. Un musulman, une musulmane = a Muslim
  11. Un chrƩtien, une chrƩtienne = a Christian
  12. Un juif, une juive = a Jew
  13. Un bouddhiste = a Buddhist
  14. Une guerre de religion = a religious war
  15. Une guerre politique = a political war
  16. Le racisme = racism
  17. Daesh = Isis/Isil/IS ā€“ there might be slight differences but most often, France news will use ā€œDaeshā€ or Etat islamique (EI)

7 ā€“ What Does Fluctuat Nec Mergitur Mean?

ā€œFluctuat Nec Mergiturā€ is the motto of the city of Paris and it was featured a lot after the 2015 Terror Paris attacks.

Itā€™s latin, so pronounce each letter and the u like ā€œouā€. The EnglishĀ translationĀ is ā€œfloats, not sinksā€.

So ā€œFluctuat Nec Mergiturā€ means that the city of Paris is like a solid boat: it may be rocked by the waves, it will float and not sink.

8 ā€“ Pronunciation of Fluctuat Nec Mergitur with Audio

Well, there are two pronunciations for ā€œFluctuat Nec Mergiturā€ā€¦ Itā€™s latin, so to pronounce it in Latin, say each letter, the G is hard like Gorilla, and the u is typically pronounced like ā€œouā€, and the R is rolled.

But many French people pronounce it with a French accent .ā€¦

So itā€™s your choice! Click the play buttons below to hear me pronounce ā€œā€Fluctuat Nec Mergiturā€ in Latin and French

9 ā€“ Pronunciation of Fluctuat Nec Mergitur with Audio ā€“ Latin

10 ā€“ Pronunciation of Fluctuat Nec Mergitur with Audio ā€“Ā French

You may also be interested in What Does ā€œJe suis Charlieā€ means and Vive la France ā€“ How to Express Patriotism in French.

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Author: Camille Chevalier

Camille Chevalier

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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