I hope you enjoy these lists of French tool & repairs vocabulary.
Please feel free to add relevant tools, renovation, repair related vocabulary (in French and English please) in the comments section below and I will add them up to the lists. Merci!
You may also be interested in my free lesson: 80 French house terms with audio recordings.
45 French Tools Names
- le marteau â hammer
- le tournevis â screwdriver (do say the final S)
- le tournevis cruciforme â phillips head screwdriver
- la clef Ă molette / la clef anglaise â wrench (F is silent, pronounce the wrench âclĂ©â â you can also spell it this way)
- la clef Ă pipe â socket wrench
- le mĂštre â tape measure
- la pince universelle â bull-nose pliers
- la pince coupante â wire cutters
- la pince Ă dĂ©nuder â wire strippers
- le serre joint â clamp
- la perceuse â hand drill
- la scie â saw
- la scie circulaire â circular saw
- la scie Ă mĂ©taux â hacksaw
- la scie Ă ruban â band saw
- la scie sauteuse â jig saw
- la scie vilebrequin â ceramic tile saw
- la hache â axe
- la pioche â pickaxe
- le coupe-carreaux â tile cutter
- la lampe Ă souder â blow lamp
- lâĂ©chelle (f) â ladder
- lâescabeau (m) â step ladder
- le trĂ©teau â trestle
- la brouette â wheelbarrow
- le rabot â plane
- le burin â chisel
- la lime â file
- le niveau â level
- la vis â screw (do say the final S)
- la cheville â expanding wall lug
- le clou â nail
- le boulon â bolt
- le joint â washer â also grout
- lâĂ©crou â nut
- le foret â drill bit
- le papier de verre â sandpaper
- le ruban isolant â insulating tape
- les lunettes de sĂ©curitĂ© â safety goggles
- la colle â glue
- le dĂ©capant â paint stripper
- le pinceau â paint brush
- le rouleau â paint roller
- le grattoir â scraper
- la truelle â trowel

13 French Craftsmen & Trades Names
- un corps de mĂ©tier â a trade
- les artisans (m) â craftsmen, skilled workers
- le maĂźtre dâouvrage â site manager
- le maçon â builder
- le couvreur â roofer
- le charpentier â carpenter (roof structure)
- le menuisier â carpenter/joiner (doors, windows etc)
- le carreleur â tiler
- le plĂątrier â plasterer
- lâĂ©lectricien â electrician
- le plombier â plumber
- le chauffagiste â heating engineer
- le peintre-dĂ©corateur â painter-decorator
Are you considering buying / renting / renovating a property in France? I recommended someone whoâs helped several students of mine buy and renovate properties in France. Sheâs a true expert and can assist you with finding the perfect property and contractors, fill legal documents⊠Contact me for more info.
17 French Repair Materials Names
- lâenduit (m) â filler
- le plĂątre â plaster
- le contre plaquĂ© â plywood
- le placo â plasterboard
- le crĂ©pi â stucco
- le bĂ©ton â concrete
- le mortier â mortar
- le carrelage â ceramic tiles
- le joint â grout
- le silicone (or le mastic) â caulk
- la peinture â paint
- le vernis â varnish
- lâamiante â asbestos
- le béton- concrete
- la pierre â stone
- le chĂȘne â oak
- le bois â wood
In the story of my upper Intermediate French learning method Ă Moi Paris L5, chapter 6, Mary, Patrick and their friends talk about the renovations theyâve done in their house.
If you enjoy learning French language and culture in context, check out French Todayâs downloadable French audiobooks: French Todayâs bilingual novels are recorded at different speeds and enunciation, and focus on todayâs modern glided French pronunciation.

A new approach to learning both traditional and modern French logically structured for English speakers.
French Renovation Vocabulary
- le devis â bill estimate
- le terrain â the land
- la parcelle â plot of land (on administrative maps)
- le plan cadastral â plot boundary map
- les plans dâarchitecte â architectâs plans
- une coupe â cross-section
- une extension â an extension
- lâassainissement â sewerage treatment
- lâossature bois/mĂ©tallique â wooden/metal framework
- une chape liquide â liquid screed
- la garantie dĂ©cennale â 10-year guarantee
12 French Repairs Verbs
- peindre â to paint
- sĂ©curiser le chantier â to make the worksite safe
- percer des ouvertures â to make openings (for windows, doors)
- boucher un trou â to fill in/block a hole
- casser la dalle â to break up the (old concrete/cement) floor
- refaire le sol â to put a new floor down
- poser/installer une fenĂȘtre â to put in a window
- mettre quelque chose aux normes â to make something meet regulations
- (se) raccorder au âtout Ă lâĂ©goutâ â to connect to the sewerage system
- poser une fosse toutes eaux â to instal a modern septic tank
- relier la propriĂ©tĂ© au rĂ©seau dâeau/EDF â to connect the property to the water/electricity system
- dĂ©blayer le site (de gravats) â to clear the site (of rubble)
To practice this French tool and house repair vocabulary, I invite you to read my French / English bilingual story about renovating a house in France.