We could write a whole book about the French cooking terms.
My experience is that French students often know cooking ingredients but don’t know the French cooking verbs.
So here is a list of the common cooking verbs I teach to my French immersion students when they want to cook with me.
1 – French Cooking Verbs: Chop, Dice, Cut…
- To chop: hacher, concasser, tailler en morceaux
- To chunk : couper en gros morceaux
- To cut : couper
- To dice : couper en dés
- To mince : émincer
- To slice : couper en lamelles/ en tranches
- To julienne : couper en julienne
- To slice : trancher
2 – French Cooking Verbs: Heat, Bake…
- To preheat : préchauffer (le four)
- To heat on low : faire chauffer à feu doux
- To heat on middle : faire chauffer à feu moyen
- To heat on high : faire chauffer à feu fort
- To cook in a double boiler : cuire au bain marie
- To sauté : faire sauter
- To bake : cuire au four
- To boil : faire bouillir
- To bring to a boil : porter à ébullition
- To fry/to deep fry : frire
- To melt : faire fondre (les oignons…)
- To poach : pocher
- To reduce : réduire
- To roast : torréfier ou rôtir
- To simmer : mijoter
- To steam : cuire à la vapeur
- To stir-fry : faire revenir rapidement
Learn the French food and cooking vocabulary in the context of a level adapted French novel + English translation. In French Today’s French audiobooks, people eat a lot! At home, with friends, in cafés and restaurants… all the stories are recorded using different levels of enunciation: enunciated and modern French. Follow the links and hear/read samples!
An audio novel for all levels. Explore Paris with modern, lively and realistic dialogues
3 – Other Verbs Used In Cooking
- To cook : cuisiner (it’s a bit complicated in French so Camille wrote a whole article about how to say to cook in French)
- To drizzle : arroser
- To sprinkle : saupoudrer/parsemer
- To taste : goûter
- To bread : paner
- To add : ajouter
- To blend : mélanger
- To crush : écraser
- To garnish : Garnir
- To grate : râper
- To grind : réduire en poudre, moudre, piler
- To marinate : mariner
- To measure : mesurer
- To mix : mélanger
- To peel : éplucher/peler
- To shell : décortiquer
- To pour : verser
- To mix : mixer
- To put : mettre
- To remove the stems : enlever les tiges
- To rinse : rincer
- To scoop out : évider
- To shred : râper
- To soak : tremper
- To squeeze : presser
- To stir : mélanger
- To weigh : peser
- To deglaze : déglacer
- To dilute : délayer
- To sweat : faire suer
- Assaisonner : to season
For a fun French practice, here is a video Camille made illustrating the French grammar and vocabulary about cooking in French.