French Strike Vocabulary

Author: Camille Chevalier

France is infamous for its numerous strikes. But what is the French strike vocabulary?

This French strike vocabulary may come handy when you listen to the French radio, or read news about strikes in France.

In this article you’ll find a list of French English strike vocabulary, as well as useful informations about strikes in France.

52 French Strike Terms

  1. Une grùve – a strike – strangely, it’s also a fancy word for a shore (usually, we say “une plage” – a beach in French)
  2. Les grùves – strikes
  3. Une grĂšve gĂ©nĂ©rale – a strike followed by most unions around the same claims
  4. Une grùve surprise – strikers are supposed to give a notice before they strike in France. It’s not always the case though.
  5. Une grùve sauvage – a strike organised by the workers without the unions
  6. Faire la grùve – to be on strike
  7. Être en grùve – to be on strike
  8. Un / une grĂ©viste – someone who is on strike (note the change of direction of the French accent over the “e”)
  9. Un piquet de grùve – someone who takes a stand and blocks the entry to a workplace / tries to block the working process
  10. Le droit de grùve – the right to be on strike
  11. Un prĂ©avis de grĂšve – strike notice (French public sector unions must give 5 days notice before going on strike)

Strikes in France – Unions

  1. Un syndicat – union
  2. Un reprĂ©sentant, un Ă©lu syndical – union representative
  3. Un dĂ©lĂ©guĂ© – a delegate
  4. Une action sociale – solidarity measures
  5. Le dialogue social – social dialog
  6. RĂ©soudre un conflit – to solve a conflict
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French Protest Vocabulary

  1. Une manifestation – a demonstration, protest march
  2. Une manif – pronounce the f – slang for “manifestation”
  3. Un manifestant, une manifestante – someone who walks in a protest
  4. Un dĂ©filĂ©, un cortĂšge – an organised walk
  5. Une opĂ©ration escargot – a French expression describing a sort of protest when trucks block the highways by driving on all the lanes and very slowly.

French Strike Police Names

  1. Les CRS – “Compagnies RĂ©publicaines de SĂ©curitĂ©â€ – police specialised in crowd control
  2. “CRS – SS” – a very famous slogan that is often heard during demonstrations and strikes in France, comparing the CRS to the Nazi SS

  3. Les forces de l’ordre – police
  4. La police – police
  5. Un policier, une policiùre – police officer
  6. Un casseur – slang – someone looking for trouble in a riot, literally “breakers”
  7. SĂ©quester – to hold captive
  8. Prendre en otage – to take as an hostage

How To Say Workers and Employers In French?

  1. Un travailleur, une travailleuse – a worker
  2. Un ouvrier / une ouvriùre – a blue-collar worker
  3. Un employĂ© / une employĂ©e – a white-collar worker
  4. Un emploi – a job
  5. Un boulot – a job (slang)
  6. Travailler – to work
  7. Bosser – to work (slang)
  8. Un patron – a boss (often used in factories)
  9. Un boss – a boss (yes the French often use the English word)
  10. Un employeur – a job provider, boss

Understanding French Strikes Claims

  1. Un salaire – a salary
  2. Une indĂ©mnitĂ©, une indĂ©mnisation  – compensation
  3. Les avantages sociaux – benefits
  4. Les conditions de travail – work environment / conditions
  5. La retraite – retirement
  6. Les heures supplĂ©mentaires – overtime
  7. Les congĂ©s payĂ©s – paid leave
  8. Une revendication – demand, claim
  9. La prĂ©caritĂ© de l’emploi – job insecurity
  10. Un licenciement – layoff
  11. La compression de personnel – staff reduction
  12. Le chîmage – unemployment

Now that you know the major French strike vocabulary, you may enjoy this bilingual French story written by French immersion teacher and host Chantal about the transports strikes in France.

Author: Camille Chevalier

Camille Chevalier

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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