Let’s start with the names of the French elections:
Different French Elections Names
- Les élections présidentielles – election to choose the President
- Les élections régionales – election to choose the regional council
- Les élections municipales – election to choose the town council
- Les élections legislatives – election to choose the Parliamentary deputies/members
Now let’s study the French election related terms.
French Election Terms
- La campagne électorale – election campaign
- Le candidat, la candidate – candidate
- Le bureau de vote – Polling station
- Voter (pour/contre) – to vote for/against
- Voter blanc – to cast a blank vote
- Voter à bulletin secret – to vote by secret ballot
- Un vote – a vote
- Le droit de vote – right to vote
- Un électeur, une électrice – a voter
- Un bulletin de vote – ballot paper
- La consigne de vote – voting instruction
- Elire – to elect
- Le suffrage universel – universal suffrage, or right to vote
- Le mandat – term
- Le quinquennat – quinquennium, five-year period
- Le tour – round
- Le scrutin – election
- L’isoloir (m) – booth
- La cabine – cabin
- La carte d’électeur ou la carte électorale – voter’s card
- L’urne (f) – ballot box, urn
- Se rendre aux urnes – to go to the poll
- Le dépouillement – counting
- Le système électoral – voting system
- Les promesses électorales – campaign promises
- le taux d’abstention – abstention rate
- Le sondage d’opinion – opinion poll
- La circonscription – constituency
- Le premier tour – first ballot
- Le second tour – second ballot
- La triangulaire – a 3-way run-off race (often in second rounds)
- La quadrangulaires – a 4-way run-off race (often in second rounds)
- Le taux de participation – turnout at the polls
- Le Référendum – referendum
- L’élection partielle – special election/by-election
- Les résultats – results
- la fraude électorale – election fraud
- La réélection – re-election
- Se présenter aux élections – to stand for election
- Remporter les élections – to win the election
- Perdre les élections – to lose the election
- La victoire – victory
- La défaite – defeat
- Monsieur le Président – Mr President
- Madame la Présidente / Madame le Président – Mrs President
- Le premier ministre – Prime Minister
- La cohabitation – split party government (President from one party ruling with an opposing party majority/prime minister) [lit: to live together]
- Le ballottage – Failure for any candidate in the first round to gain enough votes so a second round has to be organized
- Faire barrage – [lit: to block] alliance between different parties to prevent a particular party from winning
- Se désister – To voluntarily take yourself out of a race to help another candidate win by not splitting the votes
This list of vocabulary was put together with the help of French immersion teacher Chantal. Check out her bilingual story to know more about the French presidential elections.
What about how to say to support in French? Soutenir ou Supporter? Avoid this easy to make mistake….

A new approach to learning both traditional and modern French logically structured for English speakers.
Madame Le Président, Madame La Présidente ?
In the French language, (Le) président in the masculine, (la) présidente in the feminine do exist, and are used for regular jobs, such as the president of a company.
But when it comes to politics, the Assemblée Nationale has different rules… They frown upon the feminisation of political titles and prefer a neutral gender, hence masculine in French… Read this obscure article in French if you have the courage… I personally gave up!
So, traditionally, it looks like the way to refer to a woman president of the French Republic should be “Madame le président de la République”, le président being “neutral” (but masculine). However apparently, that too can get you in trouble!
Now, all the newspapers use “la présidente de la République française” when they talk about the hypothesis of Le Pen becoming the first woman president of the French republic.. So I don’t know if L’Accadémie would agree, but “la présidente de la République” seems to be the way to go…
I even went at length and asked the forum of “Projet Voltaire” since it was all so complicated. Here is the thread should you like to read more…
By the way, should you write directly to the president, then the P will be uppercase, an uppercase of courtesy apparently: “Monsieur le Président”, “Madame le Président”, or “Madame la Présidente”….
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