47 French Book Terms 📚

Author: Suzanne

List of French book vocabulary and the French library vocabulary + translation, how to translate library in French, different types of French books…

Let’s study the French book vocabulary, and the French library vocabulary.

17 French Book Words

  1. les romans – novels
  2. les romans policiers – detective stories
  3. les romans fantasy – fantasy novels
  4. les livres de science-fiction – sci-fi books
  5. les livres qui font du bien –  books that give a feel-good factor
  6. un coup de cƓur – a book that one really enjoyed
  7. les livres audio – audio books
  8. les livres en gros caractùres – books in large print
  9. les contes et lĂ©gendes – tales and legends
  10. les albums – picture story books
  11. les romans premiùre lecture – children’s reading books (1st level)
  12. les romans deuxiùme lecture – children’s reading books (2nd level)
  13. les romans jeunes – teenage fiction
  14. les BDs (bandes dessinĂ©es) – comic strip books
  15. les mangas – mangas
  16. les documentaires –  non-fiction books
  17. des livres à consulter sur place – books to read in situ
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6 Types of Books You’ll Find at a Library in France

  1. des livres de fiction pour adultes et pour adolescents,
    fiction books for adults and teenagers,
  2. des livres de fantasy,
    fantasy books,
  3. des romans policiers,
    detective novels,
  4. des BD pour adultes et jeunes,
    comics for adults and young people,
  5. des livres de lecture pour enfants de l’ñge primaire,
    reading books for children of young age,
  6. des albums pour les enfants en bas Ăąge, les tout-petits.
    albums for young children, toddlers.

How do you say Library in French?

Unfortunately, translating library in French is tricky. The French translation for library is “la bibliothùque”.

But there is a French word which looks a lot like the English word “library”: la librairie. And la librairie means the book store!

French Library Vocabulary

  1. la lecture – reading
  2. le lecteur / la lectrice – reader
  3. le/la bibliothĂ©caire – librarian
  4. Est-ce que vous ĂȘtes abonnĂ©(e) Ă  la bibliothĂšque ?- Are you a member of the library ?
  5. un abonnement de douze mois – a 12-month membership
  6. une cotisation de 10€ – a 10€ membership charge
  7. renouveler la cotisation- to renew the subscription
  8. emprunter un livre – to borrow a book
  9. rapporter le livre – to bring the book back
  10. rĂ©server un livre – to reserve a book
  11. classer dans l’ordre alphabĂ©tique – to sort by alphabetical order
  12. classer dans l’ordre numĂ©rique – to sort by numerical order
  13. une liste d’attente –  a waiting list
  14. faire une suggestion – to make a suggestion
  15. un rayon – a shelf ; a 
  16. un Ă©tagĂšre – a shelf
  17. un prĂ©sentoir – a showcase
  18. la section adultes/adolescents/enfants – the adults’/teenage/children’s section
  19. la rentrĂ©e littĂ©raire –  the new book season  (September, and very important in France !)
  20. les nouveautĂ©s – new arrivals
  21. le code barre – bar code
  22. une pastille –  a sticker (round)
  23. une gommette – a strip for identification
Author: Suzanne


Bonjour ! My name is Suzanne. I am British-born, and have dual British and French nationality. I have been teaching French for the past 40 years, internationally. My husband Peter & I moved to Jugon-Les-Lacs, a charming village in Northern Brittany over 20 years ago, where I offered immersion courses with French Today for 10 years. I now teach locally and via zoom.

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