Could Have, Should Have, Would Have in French – Past Conditional

Author: Camille Chevalier-Karfis

How do you say in French “Could Have, Should Have, Would Have”? Or how to express in French moral obligation, regrets or reproaches in the past.

Let’s start by studying the French past conditional construction.

1. Past Conditional – General Construction & Use

A . Past Conditional In English

The past conditional is formed with the auxiliary “would have” + the participle of the main verb.

If it had been possible, I would have moved to Paris.

In conversation, “would have” is often shortened as “would’ve”.

In English, the past conditional could also be “could have”, “should have”, “might have”.

B. Past Conditional In French

The past conditional is a compound tense, and follows the exact same agreement rules as passé composé.

The past conditional in French is made up of the auxiliary “avoir” or “the auxiliary ĂȘtre” conjugated in the conditional present + the past participle of the main verb:

  1. Si ça avait Ă©tĂ© possible, j’aurais dĂ©mĂ©nagĂ© Ă  Paris.
    If it had been possible, I would have moved to Paris.
  2. Sophie serait allĂ©e Ă  la plage s’il avait fait beau.
    Sophie would have gone to the beach if the weather had been nice.

At this point of your studies, you should be familiar with all the rules of passĂ© composĂ©, know which auxiliary verb you should use (ĂȘtre or avoir), know by heart all your irregular past participles and be an expert at figuring out where the direct object is so you can apply the proper agreement when you are using “avoir” as an auxiliary etc

If this is not the case, I strongly suggest you first review the rules of passĂ© composĂ© before you continue (passĂ© composĂ© is explained clearly and gradually in my upper intermediate French learning method À Moi Paris Level 5).

As you can see, using the past conditional is very common when you are making a hypothesis in French about the past: wishing things had been different, although now you cannot change anything since the action already took place!

This construction is often used when expressing regret or remorse.

  • Si j’avais su que tu serais lĂ , je ne serais pas venue !
    If I had known you’d be here, I wouldn’t have come!
  • Si seulement tu avais Ă©tudiĂ© plus, tu aurais eu une bonne note.
    If only you had studied more, you would have had a good grade.
  • Si Sophie s’était couchĂ©e plus tĂŽt, elle n’aurait pas Ă©tĂ© si fatiguĂ©e.
    If Sophie had gone to bed earlier, she wouldn’t have been so tired

In the case of an hypothesis on the past, the typical construction is:

If + plus-que-parfait , conditionnel passé
S’il avait fait beau, je serais allĂ©e Ă  la plage .

C . Au Cas OĂč

Since the conditional is used after “au cas oĂč”, the past conditional is also going to be used when the action is in the past.

Au cas oĂč tu aurais Ă©chouĂ© Ă  ton examen, tu pourrais le repasser l’annĂ©e suivante. In case you failed your exam, you’d be able to take it again the following year.

Note however that in many cases, you can replace “au cas oĂč” by “si”, and the tenses will be much simpler.

Si tu Ă©choues Ă  ton examen, tu pourras le repasser l’annĂ©e suivante.
If you fail your exam, you’ll be able to take it again the following year.

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2. Le Conditionnel Passé DeuxiÚme Forme

How should I break it to you?

There are actually two possible conjugations for the past conditional

1. Conditionnel Passé premiÚre forme (first form)

I’ve already explained how to conjugate the first form of the French Past Conditional: auxiliary in conditional, main verb in past participle.

J’aurais aimĂ© – I would have liked
Je serais allĂ©(e) – I would have gone

2. Conditionnel Passé deuxiÚme forme (second form)

For French past Conditional second form, conjugate the auxiliary in the past subjonctif and the main verb in past participle.

So, avoir in the past subjunctive:
J’eusse, tu eusses, il eĂ»t, nous eussions, vous eussiez, Ils eussent + verb in past participle
J’eusse aimĂ©

Or ĂȘtre in the past subjunctive
je fusse, tu fusses, il fût, nous fussions, vous fussiez, Ils fussent + verb in past participle
Je fusse allé(e)

And just now, most French people hearing this would go whaaaaaaaaat?

This second form is extremely formal, old-fashioned, and used only in fancy literature, or even more so poetry.

1. Ô toi que j’eusse aimĂ©e, ĂŽ toi qui le savais (Baudelaire “À une Passante” – Les Fleurs du Mal) = que j’aurais aimĂ©e
Oh you who I would have loved, oh you who knew it.

2. Le nez de ClĂ©opĂątre, s’il eĂ»t Ă©tĂ© plus court, toute la face de la terre en eĂ»t Ă©tĂ© changĂ©e. (Blaise Pascal) = Le nez de ClĂ©opĂątre, s’il avait Ă©tĂ© plus court, toute la face de la terre en aurait Ă©tĂ© changĂ©e.
Had Cleopatra’s nose been shorter, the whole face of the earth would have changed.

If you want to know more about it, I suggest you check out the â€œĂ©tudes littĂ©raires” forum (in French).

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4. Gossips & Unconfirmed Statements

The past conditional is used in French to make statements that have not been confirmed.

This is very common in the news or in newspapers to report something that has not been confirmed by the authorities.

It’s also used when gossiping

English doesn’t use conditional here, so it’s a big difference, and you won’t be able to translate word by word. So you have to carry on the intent.

In the news, you’d find words like “reportedly” or “allegedly”
 In everyday speech, you’d use “may” or “might”, or “it’s possible, I’ve heard

  1. Le tremblement de terre aurait fait plusieurs centaines de victimes.
    The earthquake reportedly killed hundreds of people.
  2. Les feux de forĂȘt pourraient avoir Ă©tĂ© dĂ©clenchĂ©s criminellement.
    The wildfires might have been criminally (intentionally) triggered.
  3. J’ai entendu dire que sa femme l’aurait trompĂ© avec son meilleur ami.
    I’ve heard that his wife could have possibly cheated on him with his best friend.

In my next article, we’ll talk about something much more common: as the saying goes “Could have, should have, would have”, but in French!

The modal verbs “devoir” (must, have to) “pouvoir” (can, be able to) and “falloir” (as in the impersonal expression “il faut” – to be necessary) are used in French in the past conditional to express moral obligation, regrets or reproaches in the past.

5 – “Could Have, Should Have, Would Have” in French

Here is how we would translate “could have, should have” in French:

  1. Devoir > tu aurais dĂ» – you should have/ ought to have
  2. Pouvoir > tu aurais pu – you could have
  3. Il faut > il aurait fallu – one should have

Examples will make things clearer:

  1. Tu aurais dĂ» venir plus tĂŽt.
    You should have come earlier.
  2. Ils auraient pu faire plus attention.
    They could have been more careful.
  3. Il aurait fallu le lui dire : il aurait pu peut-ĂȘtre nous aider.
    Someone should have told him: he might have helped us.
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6 – Expressing Regrets or Reproaches/Blames in the Past in French

However, many other verbs are also used to express the notion of “could have, should have, would have”: regrets or reproaches
 Here are a few examples.

  1. J’aurais prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© que tu me le dises.
    I would have preferred you to tell me about it.
  2. Elle aurait aimé vivre à Paris.
    She would have liked to live in Paris.
  3. On aurait apprécié un coup de téléphone.
    We’d have enjoyed a phone call. (A phone call would have been nice)
  4. Ça m’aurait fait plaisir de le voir.
    It would have been nice to see him.
  5. Nous aurions bien voulu faire un grand voyage. We would have enjoyed taking a big trip.
  6. Si j’avais Ă©tĂ© riche, j’aurais fait le tour de la terre.
    Had I been rich, I would have traveled around the globe.
  7. J’aurais voulu l’épouser.
    I wished I would have married him/her.

The various French moods are explained in depth with exercises and audio, and illustrated within the story part of my advanced level French learning method.

Author: Camille Chevalier-Karfis

Camille Chevalier-Karfis

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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