French immersion teacher Suzanne loves to garden and has a beautiful French garden. She also loves to grow her own vegetables and today, she’s put together this list of French vegetables with English translation.
If you can thing of more French vegetable names, please add them to the comment section below (with their English translation) and I’ll complete the list. Thank you!
French Vegetable List
- French Vegetable Vocabulary
- l’ail (m) – garlic (note we would say “une tête d’ail” for a head of garlic and “une gousse d’ail” for a clove of garlic.
- l’artichaut (m) – artichoke
- l’asperge (f) – asparagus
- l’avocat (m) – avocado
- la betterave jaune/rouge (f) – beetroot (red & golden)
- la blette – chard
- la carotte – carrot
- le céleri-branche – stick celery
- le céleri-rave – celeriac
- le chou blanc/rouge/ vert – green/ red /white cabbage
- le chou-fleur -cauliflower
- les brocolis (m but usually used in the plural in French) – broccoli
- le chou de Bruxelles – Brussels sprouts
- le chou kale – kale
- le concombre – cucumber
- la courgette – zucchini
- la courge d’hiver (Butternut) – winter squash
- l’échalotte (f) – shallot
- l’épinard (m) – spinach
- la fève – broad bean
- les fleurs comestibles (bourrache/capucine/souci…) – edible flowers (borage, nasturtium, French marigold)
- le haricot vert – green bean as in “le haricot d’Espagne/grimpant” – runner bean, climbing bean or “le haricot nain” – dwarf bean, French bean if you wanted to be really precise… Not to be mistaken with “les haricots secs” which are (dry) beans.
- le lupin comestible – edible lupin
- la mâche – lamb’s lettuce
- le maïs doux – sweetcorn
- le navet – turnip
- l’oignon (m) – onion
- l’oignon vert (m) – scallion also called “les petits oignons”
- le panais – parsnip
- la patate douce – sweet potato
- la patate – potato – also commonly called “la pomme de terre”.
- le piment – chili pepper
- le poireau – leek
- le poivron doux – sweet pepper
- le potimarron – pumpkin
- le pois mangetout – mangetout pea
- le radis – radish
- la roquette – rocket
- le rutabaga – swede
- la salade verte (batavia, laitue, romaine etc) – lettuce (often known by the name of the variety). Note that by default, if someone asked you to buy “une salade” they’d expect some kind of green lettuce, not a potatoes salad…
- la tomate – tomato… hum, fruit or vegetable? I’ll let you decide!
- le topinambour – Jerusalem artichoke
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How do you Say Vegetable in French?
Vegetable in French is “un légume”: this refers to (mostly) green vegetables, veggies, not to be mistaken with ‘a legume’ which is “une légumineuse”, a feminine word in French:
Les lentilles sont des légumineuses
Lentils are legumes.
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