French Farming Vocabulary

Author: Suzanne

🐄 Learn the French farm vocabulary: French farm animals, French crop names, farming verbs and more French farming terms.

1 – Names of Farm Animals in French

Let’s start with a list of the French animals names with English translations.

  1. la vache – cow
  2. le taureau – bull
  3. le veau – calf
  4. la génisse – young cow
  5. le taurillon – young bull
  6. le boeuf – ox
  7. le cochon pig
  8. la truie – sow
  9. le porcelet – piglet
  10. la chèvre – female goat
  11. le bouc – male goat
  12. le mouton – sheep
  13. la brebis – ewe
  14. l’agneau – lamb
  15. l’âne – male donkey
  16. l’ânesse – female donkey
  17. le cheval – horse
  18. la jument – mare
  19. le poulain – foal
  20. le coq – rooster
  21. la poule – hen
  22. le poulet – chicken
  23. le poussin  – chick
  24. le canard – duck
  25. la cane – female duck
  26. le caneton – duckling
  27. la dinde – female turkey
  28. le dindon – male turkey
  29. le lapin – male rabbit
  30. la lapine – female rabbit
  31. le lapereau – baby rabbit
  32. le chien – male dog
  33. la chienne – female dog
  34. le chiot – puppy
  35. le chat – male cat
  36. la chatte – female cat
  37. le chaton – kitten

Here is a cute video camille’s daughter Leyla made using the popular video game Minecraft to talk about the farm animals in French.

2 – French Farm Buildings Names

When visiting France, you will see these all around the French countryside!

  1. la ferme – farm
  2. le bâtiment de ferme – the farm building
  3. la grange –  barn
  4. le poulailler – chicken coop
  5. le pigeonnier – dovecote
  6. la porcherie – pigpen
  7. l’écurie – stable
  8. le cellier à cidre – cider house
  9. le four à pain – bread oven
  10. la forge – forge
  11. le hangar – shed
  12. le moulin – windmill
  13. l’hôté – the family room

Discover the authentic French countryside buildings with this article.

3 – Agriculture – French Farming Vocabulary

Here are some useful French farming terms.

  1. Le fermier, l’agriculteur – male farmer
  2. La fermière, l’agricultrice – female farmer
  3. Une exploitation agricole – a modern farm
  4. Un champ – a field
  5. Le bétail – livestock
  6. Faire de l’élevage – to raise livestock
  7. Un tracteur – tractor
  8. Une moissonneuse-batteuse – combine harvester
  9. Une ferme laitière – dairy farm
  10. Une ferme d’élevage – animal husbandry farm

You may be interested by this article from on the future of French farming.

4 – Names of Crops in French

Here are the names of the most common French crops.

  1. une culture – crop
  2. le blé – wheat
  3. le foin – hay
  4. la paille – straw
  5. le maïs – corn
  6. l’orge – barley
  7. le colza – rapeseed
  8. le tournesol – sunflower
  9. le lin – flax
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5 – Farming French Verbs

  1. labourer – to plough
  2. mettre de l’engrais – fertilize
  3. semer – to sow
  4. planter – to plant
  5. arroser – to water
  6. moissonner, faire les battages – to harvest (for crops)
  7. récolter – to harvest (for vegetables and fruits)
Author: Suzanne


Bonjour ! My name is Suzanne. I am British-born, and have dual British and French nationality. I have been teaching French for the past 40 years, internationally. My husband Peter & I moved to Jugon-Les-Lacs, a charming village in Northern Brittany over 20 years ago, where I offered immersion courses with French Today for 10 years. I now teach locally and via zoom.

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