Here are some of the animals you could find in a French forest. Would you like me make a better list? Please add suggestion in French with English translation in the comment and I’ll add them to the list! Thank you!
20 Common French Forest Animals Names
These animals you could pretty much find in any French forest. If you come for an French immersion stay in my house, you may see them!
- Une biche = a doe
- Un chevreuil = a roe deer
- Un cerf = deer
- Un écureuil = a squirrel
- Un rat = rat
- Un rat d’eau = water rat
- Une souris = mouse
- Une fouine= a weasel
- Un lièvre = a hare
- Un lapin = a rabbit
- Un blaireau = a badger
- Un sanglier = a boar
- Un renard = a fox
- Un hérisson = a hedgehog
- Une chauve-souris = a bat
- Une couleuvre = corn snake (a non venomous snake)
- Un putois = a skunk
- Une taupe = a mole
- Une grenouille = a frog
- Un crapaud = a toad
A new approach to learning both traditional and modern French logically structured for English speakers.
15 French Forest Birds Names
- Un oiseau = a bird (plural: des oiseaux with a silent x)
- Une pie = magpie
- Un pic vert = woodpecker
- Un hibou = owl
- Un canard = duck
- Une poule d’eau = gallinule (a sort of aquatique bird)
- Un héron = heron
- Un corbeau = raven
- Une corneille = small crow
- Un merle = blackbird
- Un pigeon sauvage = wild pigeon
- Une tourterelle = dove
- Une chouette = small owl
- Un rapace = prey bird
- Un faucon = hawk
10 Rare French Forest Animals Names
Here are some animals you could find in some specific forests of France, but that are not really common.
- Une loutre = an otter
- Un castor = a beaver
- Un raton laveur = a raccoon
- Un loup = wolf
- Un bouquetin = ibex, mountain sheep
- Un lynx = lynx
- Un ours = bear
- Une vipère = viper
- Un vautour = vulture
- Un aigle = eagle