70 French Baking Terms 🍰

Author: Emilie

What is to bake in French? List of French baking terms, with English translation. French baking vocabulary. Vocabulaire de la pĂątisserie.

Let’s study some common French baking terms – le vocabulaire de la pñtisserie.

1 – How to translate to bake in French

You’d think it would be easy to translate such an easy concept as to bake in French.

Well, it’s not.

We don’t have a precise verb for baking in French.

We say “faire de + what you are baking

  1. Faire un gñteau – to bake a cake
  2. Faire une tarte – to bake a pie
  3. Faire du pain – to bake bread
  4. Faire des biscuits – to bake cookies

You could also use a synonym to to cook in French: préparer, cuisiner

Now let’s study the French verbs used when baking in French.

2 – French Baking Verbs

  1. blanchir – blanch
  2. rallonger –  to thin out/add a little liquid
  3. mĂ©langer – mix, combine
  4. ramollir- soften
  5. verser – pour
  6. incorporer – incorporate, mix
  7. donner corps –  add volume/shape
  8. fraiser = pĂ©trir avec la paume de la main – to knead with the palm of your hand
  9. foncer = adapter une pñte à un moule – line a pie pan
  10. garnir de – stuff, fill with
  11. cuire à blanc – blind bake
  12. presser – squeeze
  13. remuer – stir in
  14. zester – zest
  15. faire chauffer – heat
  16. battre les oeufs – beat, whisk the eggs
  17. monter les blancs en neige – beat egg whites until stiff
  18. Ă©paissir – thicken
  19. îter ou retirer du feu – remove from the heat
  20. cuire Ă  feu doux – cook over low heat
  21. cuire à feu fort – cook over high heat
  22. (r)ajouter – add
  23. mixer – blend, use a food processor
  24. dĂ©guster – enjoy, taste, try

And now here is a list of common French baking terms. Would you like to help me and suggest more baking terms or verbs? Please add them in the comments below (with the English translation please) and I’ll add them to the list! Merci !

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3 – French Baking Terms

  1. une tarte –  pie
  2. un gñteau – a cake
  3. un biscuit – a cookie
  4. du pain – bread
  5. la pñtisserie – pastry – here is an article on French pastry
  6. la pĂąte brisĂ©e – shortcrust base or short crust pastry
  7. la pĂąte sablĂ©e – sweet shortcrust pastry dough
  8. la pĂąte feuilletĂ©e – puff pastry
  9. croustillant – crunchy
  10. la crùme au citron – lemon curd
  11. un fouet- a whisk
  12. une pincĂ©e de sel – a pinch of salt
  13. la farine – flour
  14. le sucre – sugar
  15. la maïzena – cornstarch
  16. le beurre coupĂ© en dĂ©s – cubed/diced butter
  17. un jaune d’Ɠuf – an egg yolk
  18. un blanc d’Ɠuf – an egg white
  19. rallonger –  to thin out/add a little liquid
  20. une meringue – a meringue
  21. une cuillùre à soupe (cs) – a table spoon (tbsp.)
  22. le papier sulfurisĂ© – greaseproof paper
  23. une casserole – a saucepan
  24. l’appareil = la prĂ©paration, le mĂ©lange en cuisine – mixture
  25. un fond de tarte – a tart bottom, a pie crust, bottom of a pie crust

Now let’s study the French baking vocabulary in the context of my French English bilingual Lemon Pie recipe.

 4 – French Bread Baking Vocabulary

  1. le pain – bread
  2. un fermier – a farmer
  3. un maraücher – a vegetable farmer
  4. un Ă©leveur – a cattle raiser
  5. un boulanger – a baker
  6. nourrir le levain – to prepare the yeast
  7. le pain au levain – sourdough bread
  8. faire du pain – bake bread
  9. le four Ă  pain en briques rĂ©fractaires – brick bread oven
  10. le moulin – the mill
  11. pĂ©trir – to knead
  12. laisser la pñte lever – let the dough rise
  13. façonner – to form or fashion
  14. un pain, une miche – a loaf
  15. un Ă©pi de blĂ© – an ear of wheat
  16. fariner – to sprinkle flour
  17. cuire – to bake
  18. la cuisson – the baking/cooking
  19. enfourner du pain – to put the loaves in the oven
  20. l’enfournage ou l’enfournement du pain – the act of putting things in the oven
  21. une fournĂ©e – a batch
  22. dĂ©fourner du pain – remove the loaves from the oven
  23. fait maison – homemade

What about baking bread in France with a famille de boulanger? Check out my bilingual short French story!

Author: Emilie


Bonjour, my name is Emilie, and I'm an experienced and certified French teacher. I live in the foot of the Pyrénées Mountains in the South West of France and will share articles about my beautiful region with you.

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