It’s difficult to travel to France without visiting at least one castle. Castles are everywhere in France!
This list of French castle vocabulary and French nobility terms will certainly come in handy.
24 French Castle Words
- un château fort – fortified castle, stronghold
- le pont-levis – drawbridge
- une meurtrière – arrow slit
- le donjon – keep (watch out – not “dungeon”)
- un cachot – dungeon
- une prison – jail
- les créneaux – crenelations (openings on top of the ramparts)
- un corps de garde – gatehouse
- la grande salle – great hall
- les douves (f) – moat
- une herse – portcullis
- le trône – throne
- une tour – tower
- une tourelle – turret
- les remparts – rampart, wall
- une tour de guet – watchtower
- la cotte de mailles – chain mail
- un archer – archer
- l’armure (f) – armor
- une épée – sword
- une arbalète – crossbow
- un bouclier – shield
- un belier – battering ram
- une catapulte – catapult
- le siège – siege
Can you suggest more French castle terms? Please add them in French and English to the comments below and I’ll add them up to the list!
Now that we’ve studied the French castle terms, let’s see the French vocabulary to talk about French nobility.
A new approach to learning both traditional and modern French logically structured for English speakers.
22 French Nobility Titles
How do you say king in French?
In French, the king is “le roi”.
How do you say queen in French?
In French, the queen is “la reine”.
French Nobility Titles
- un chevalier – knight
- un seigneur – lord
- un baron – baron
- une baronne – baroness
- un vicomte – viscount
- une vicomtesse – viscountess
- un comte – count
- une comtesse – countess
- un marquis – marques
- une marquise – marquesa / marquise
- un duc – duke (say the final c)
- une duchesse – duchess
- un prince – prince
- une princesse – princess
- un roi – king
- une reine – queen
- le dauphin – heir apparent
- la dauphine – crown princess
- L’empereur – emperor
- l’imperatrice – empress
13 Other French Royalty Terms
- la noblesse – nobility
- un /une noble – noble person
- l’aristocratie (f) – aristocracy
- un / une aristocrate – aristocrat
- la monarchie – monarchy
- un monarque – monarch
- la dynastie – dynasty
- l’empire (m) – empire
- imperial – imperial
- le régent – regent
- royal – royal
- son altesse royale – his/her royal highness
- le trône – throne
If you liked this lesson, you may be interested in the many free French stories on French Today about French castles (go down the list to “c” for castle) and Camille’s cultural article about understanding the French bourgeoisie.