Archaeological French Vocabulary 💀🩮

Author: Emilie

Learn the archaeological French vocabulary with this list of French archeological terms with English translations.

How do you Say Archaeology in French?

Archaeology in French is “l’achĂ©ologie” – the study of human activity through the recovery and analysis of material and fossils.

How do you Pronounced Archaeology in French?

Watch out for the French pronunciation: the “ch” part is pronounced like a “k” and the final “g” which makes a [dj] sound in English is soft in French, like in “je”

L’archĂ©ologie is pronounced [arkĂ©oloji]

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30 Archaeological French Words

  1. un/une archĂ©ologue – an archaeologist (m/f) – remember [k] sound in French!
  2. l’archĂ©ologie – archaeology
  3. une espùce humaine – a human species
  4. un sentier – a path
  5. un sentier d’interprĂ©tation – an interpretative trails
  6. un abri sous roche – a shelter in the rock
  7. une grotte â€“ a cave
  8. une tombe – tomb
  9. une allĂ©e couverte – passage grave
  10. un menhir – menhir, standing stone
  11. un/une palĂ©ontologue – a paleontologist (m/f)
  12. la PrĂ©histoire – the Prehistory
  13. l’Âge de Pierre – the Stone Age
  14. un vestige du passĂ© – the remains, the remnants vestige of the past
  15. des silex taillĂ©s – sharpened flints
  16. des squelettes humains – human skeletons
  17. des ossements / un ensemble d’os – bones
  18. les restes fossiles –  the fossil remains
  19. une fouille archĂ©ologique – an archaelogical dig or excavation
  20. du bois de rennes – reindeer antlers
  21. tailler, sculpter – to carve
  22. des animaux disparus – extinct animals
  23. un grands ours des cavernes – a large cave bear
  24. un mammouth – a mammoth
  25. une hyùne des cavernes – a cave hyaenas
  26. un rhinocĂ©ros laineux  – a woolly rhinoceros
  27. un chasseur-cueilleur – a hunter-gatherer
  28. un nomade (nom), nomade (adj.) – a nomad (noun) , nomadic ( adj.)
  29. une rĂ©plique, un facsimilĂ© – a replica, a facsimile
  30. les peintures rupestres – rock paintings
  31. l’art pariĂ©tal – cave arts, cave paintings
  32. une paroi de grotte – a cave wall

Author: Emilie


Bonjour, my name is Emilie, and I'm an experienced and certified French teacher. I live in the foot of the Pyrénées Mountains in the South West of France and will share articles about my beautiful region with you.

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