Zoo Animals Names in French šŸ¦“

Author: Eliane

Let’s learn the zoo animals French names and see what’s the correct pronunciation of “un zoo” in French.

1 ā€“ French Zoo Animals Names

Bonjour! My name is Eliane and Iā€™m a French immersion teacher near Amiens in France.

Here are the French names of the animals you can find at Amiensā€™ zoo, with English translation.

  1. an iguana: un iguane
  2. a chameleon: un cameĢleĢon
  3. a turtle: une tortue
  4. a lizard: un leĢzard
  5. a wild boar: un sanglier
  6. a camel: un chameau
  7. a zebra: un zeĢ€bre
  8. an elephant: un eĢleĢphant
  9. a red panda: un panda rouge
  10. a wallaby: un wallaby
  11. a monkey: un singe
  12. a tamarind : un tamarin
  13. a spider monkey : un ateĢ€le
  14. an ostrich: une autruche
  15. a peacock: un paon
  16. a pink flamingo : un flamant rose
  17. a penguin: un manchot
  18. a swan: un cygne
  19. a vulture: un vautour
  20. an owl: un hibou
  21. a falcon: un faucon
  22. a crane: une grue
  23. a guinea pig: un cochon dā€™Inde
  24. a parrot: un perroquet
  25. a hornbill : un calao
  26. an ocelot : un ocelot
  27. a wolf : un loup
  28. a sea lion : une otarie
  29. a lemur : un leĢmurien
  30. a gibbon : un gibbon
  31. a marmoset : un ouistiti
  32. a squirrel monkey : un saiĢˆmiri (ou un singe eĢcureuil)
  33. a gnu : un gnou
  34. a meerkat : un suricate

2 ā€“ Pronunciation of Zoo in French

Watch out! In English, the word ā€˜zooā€™ is pronounced a bit like [zou].

In French, itā€™s an ā€œoā€ sound, so we say: [zo] or sometimes we pronounce the two ā€œoā€ separately [zo-o].

Even though itā€™s written the same way, the pronunciation is quite different!

I now invite you to read my French story + English translation about the animals of the Amienā€™s zoo.

Author: Eliane


Bonjour, my name is Eliane and I'd love to welcome you for a French immersion homestay near Carcassone.

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