Unlock the French Past and Future Tenses

A serious approach to learning both traditional and modern French. Grammar and vocabulary specifically explained for English speakers. Practice everything you learn with an ongoing and fun novel with realistic dialogues/situations.

L5 + L6

À Moi Paris Method – Upper Intermediate

4.98 out of 5
(127 customer reviews)

Now that you master the French pronouns, time to tackle the tenses.

Understand how you build and use tenses of the past and future in French versus English. Unravel the secrets of Passé Composé versus Imparfait, the elusive “On” and more. Reinforce all these concepts in the context of an ongoing story recorded at 2 different levels of enunciation (enunciated & modern). Q & A section will entice you to practice out loud what you’ve learned and improve your confidence when handling upper intermediate conversations.

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"I’ve tried dozens of language learning methods for the three different languages I’ve studied, and I’ve never found anything quite like French Today. The absolute best program for language learning, and great customer service."

Elizabeth Ryan - brussels

"I have tried others and even a private teacher for over a year and learned grammar but still cannot have a conversation!! With your techniques, I am speaking and comprehending faster."


The French Today AUDIO Method

1450+ Five-Star Reviews

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Built from the ground up

Traditional methods are written by old-school scholars. We have a much better way.

78 000+ Audiobooks Sold

In 1999, our first French audiobook for the web was revolutionary - we never stopped!

You Will Improve - Guaranteed

We’ve always had a 100% money-back guarantee for a full 120 days because we know it works!


  • Discussing vacations and hobbies
  • Going to the hairdresser and discussing looks
  • Exploring feelings and relationships
  • Addressing a problem in a restaurant
  • Bargaining for prices
  • Discussing diets, nutrition, and ecology
  • Interacting with a young child
  • Talking and making plans over the phone
  • Going on a journey by train
  • Relating pet stories
  • Touring Giverny & discussing art


  • Recap overview of the present (le présent)
  • Depuis ≠ pendant, en, dans, pour, il y a
  • The near future construction (futur proche)
  • The future (futur simple) and the future perfect (le futur antérieur)
  • On versus nous
  • The imperfect (l’imparfait) and the past tense “passé-composé”
  • The participles (le participe présent et le participe passé)
  • A direct and indirect object review
  • How to choose between être or avoir for the passé-composé?
  • The preterit / simple past (le passé simple) and the pluperfect (le plus-que-parfait)
  • Expressing cause and consequences, opposition and restriction

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Check out why our audiobook experience is so unique vs. the competition!




À Moi Paris Method - All Levels

More than 3 days of pro audio recordings and 1700 pages of transcript. These audiobooks will take you from beginner to advanced all while learning in the context of a story recorded at multiple speeds and levels of enunciation. Includes all the story chapters, study guides and Q&A sections of the whole À Moi Paris Method.

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Verified Customer Reviews

4.98 out of 5 stars

127 reviews

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What others are saying

  1. 5 out of 5

    Scott, Canberra, Australia Verified Owner

    I have used Camille’s audio-books with great success to enhance my understanding of spoken French in an interesting context. I have always used the “Street” version to help with that.
    With this series, understanding is enhanced by the use of familiar characters and a consistent developing story-line – and of course Camille’s excellent clarity of expression.
    This latest book moves forward some ten years on, and like the others explores life, love, relationships, travel, work (and Paris) in an accessible manner. Thus, the vocabulary and usage of French for daily life by the main characters (Marie and her friends) both helps comprehension and equips the listener/reader with phrases and sentences for their own use.
    I have listened to this and previous books several times while driving to and from work. I find that little phrases or new words become more apparent with repetition (for me this time it was “bosser”!).
    I am very happy to recommend this book (and indeed all of Frenchtoday material) unreservedly.

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  2. 5 out of 5

    David Jonathan Y. Bayot (Manila, Philippines) Verified Owner

    As a serious “self-study” student of French for the past five years, I have in my collection no less than a dozen French self-study packages prepared by various authors and publishers of repute. And when asked which package I would recommend to fellow seekers / learners of French, I’d say without reservation—the French Today À MOI PARIS series, now in 6 volumes. The 6th volume offers the same excellent pedagogical materials presented (like the previous volumes) in a most interesting manner—as narratives. Learners like me would find the audio features of the series very valuable in learning not only French, but FRENCH TODAY.

    I definitely look forward to the release of volumes 7 and 8 of À MOI PARIS before long.

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  3. 5 out of 5

    Afia Donkor Verified Owner

    This product is just the thing I have been looking for. I am someone who learns best in context, and it is extremely useful to learn concepts not in an isolated grammar, but within the context of a story.

    Joining grammar with real life conversation helps me to process it more easily, and to develop a reflex for how the language sounds and should be spoken. I’m looking forward to finally nailing french tenses with this advanced series. Thank you!

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  4. 5 out of 5

    Marcus Estrada Verified Owner

    First off, I’m not a newbie to French Today, nor am I a newbie to the A Moi Paris series. I have the other installments and have thoroughly enjoyed them. I was thrilled to see this latest installment in the series and bought it without a single hesitation. Upon going through the first chapter I was blown away. This novel is perfect for taking my French to an even higher level. As usual the dialogs have different speeds, one read slowly to prepare the ear and then another one read at everyday French speed so you can really challenge those ears and improve your listening comprehension, which to me is the hardest part to master in a foreign language. Every chapter starts out with a dialog, followed by grammar explanations and then exercises. Upon starting a chapter, I’ll listen to the slower-speed dialog twice and then I’ll do the same with the faster-speed dialog. I then read the dialog to check what I missed and finally work my way through the grammar and exercises. The A Moi Paris series is hands down the most fun, creative and effective way to learn French. I’ve seen Mary grow up and become an adult throughout these audio novels. I’m hooked on this engaging soap-opera-like story. The story alone is what makes me want to go through the book since I’m usually dying to see what will happen next.

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  5. 4 out of 5

    Victoria. Australia Verified Owner

    Il a vraiment permis de m’exprimer spontanément et en toute confiance. J’aime les histoires.

    I has really helped my to speak spontaneously and confidently. I love the stories.

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  6. 5 out of 5

    David Bayot, Manila Philippines Verified Owner

    Salut! I’m writing to thank and congratulate you for the really excellent books you’ve produced! I’ve purchased a few of your titles — À Moi Paris, the Une Semaine novels/books, the French Verb Drills series, and the French poems books.

    As an independent learner of French, I’ve actually been through quite a number of good learning programs/packages, including those offered by Routledge, Dorling Kindersley, and Living Language, among others.

    Still, I find yours really first-rate!

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  7. 5 out of 5

    Tony H Verified Owner

    I am English but I live in France. Being able to read a language is one thing but catching the current spoken word is another. Transient meetings, passing neighbours, workmen in the house? One’s ears need educating!

    This series cures the difficulties. I have never seen content like this. So we’ll presented and so useful in any other language course anywhere else.

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  8. 5 out of 5

    Susan Nash – UK Verified Owner

    À Moi Paris Level 5 is a fantastic novel. I would definitely rate it at 5 stars. Each chapter uses your slogan, “repetition is the key” – since the story follows nicely from the previous À Moi Paris series. The novel very succinctly explains grammar which is used in the various chapters; and allows one to practice such grammar with given exercises. The story is written with everyday useful French; and unlike some old-fashioned texbooks it is very helpful at using tenses and rules with great examples, explanations and attention to detail. It is a real bonus to have Camille’s very clear voice, in the accompanying audio, which offers a speed level also. I am looking forward to À Moi Paris Level 6 – with the “Twist” which has been mentioned in Level 5!? This is a great way to learn to speak and write French; and also a novel one can read at different stages too if, like most people, one is busy with lots of other things in life.

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  9. 5 out of 5

    Lee Ann Warner Verified Owner

    I have found your products to be the best for upper level French. Other courses I’ve tried are beginner or intermediate beginner., and it was frustrating to not be able to go beyond that level. Keep them coming!

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  10. 5 out of 5

    Ken U.K. Verified Owner

    I have just begun level 5 and so far it has clarified many points which have until now been a little confusing. A case in point being the use of depuis pendant il y a etc. An excellent summary. Why do so many teachers make it so difficult?
    My only very small adverse comment would be; Why does the spoken dialogue and the written dialogue not keep in step? It is a little annoying when you listen, eyes shut of course, but then quickly want to verify something and it is not possible to give a glance down to do that because sound and vision are out of sync. Small point which may or may not be possible to change but the app. is great. Many thanks Ken

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  11. 5 out of 5

    Brian in UK Verified Owner

    would have liked more storyline, but otherwise excellent!

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  12. 5 out of 5

    Lani Hoeh, Linwood, Mi and Bonita Springs Fl., USA Verified Owner

    I absolutely love this course!…At age 70, I’ve been learning to speak, write and understand French for about 4 years now. I have employed many ways and techniques in learning, including, Rosetta Stone, Pimsleur, Duolingo,, and taking some semi-private beginning and intermediate classes with my friend who is French, lives most of the year in France, but who vacations in Florida for several months in the winter, (which explains how we met). This course is comparable to the best.
    I’m a retired Reading Specialist , who has worked for many years with children, grades K-8 , with reading difficulties, and realize what a powerful tool audio-books have become in helping children to read more fluently and with comprehension. This applies also to helping those who wish to learn a foreign language. This course provides the opportunity for one to read along with text while listening to it, in short manageable chapters, to have the translation at one’s fingertips, and to review at will. (You’ll be able to pronounce the words and enunciate correctly..to sound intelligible!)
    Chapters include review of verb tenses, and grammar instruction and exercises comparable to what one would expect to receive in a class taught by a competent French teacher.
    Thank you so much for offering these excellently crafted and presented courses….My next purchases will be the review of the French verbs!

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