French Number Quiz

  1. This is a test so please read all the instructions carefully before each question
  2. Once started, please do not use the browser back key
  3. This test will not work on Internet Explorer (you should really upgrade to a modern and supported browser!)

Question 1 of 10

Answer - Pick one:


Question 2 of 10

In French, what number comes after “treize”?

Answer - Pick one:


Question 3 of 10

What’s the correct pronunciation of eight hundred in French

Answer - Pick one:


Question 4 of 10

Answer - Pick one:


Question 5 of 10

Write down this list of 10 numbers.
I’m going to say a list of 10 random numbers at a slow speed. Please write down this list in numbers (not in letters) separated by a space.
If it’s easier for you, you may want to first write it on a piece of paper, then type in your answer.


Question 6 of 10

How do you say this date: 1991 in French (there are 2 possible solutions)

Answer - Pick one:


Question 7 of 10

Write down this list of 10 numbers.
Now, I’m going to say a list of 10 random numbers at a very fast speed. You will just have the time to write down the number, so please write down this list of numbers in numbers – not in letters separated by a space.

If it’s easier for you, you may want to first write it on a piece of paper, then type in your answer.

Please be honest with yourself and try to keep track of how many times you have to replay the audio in order to get it right. If you need to hear it 10 times to get a correct answer, you might not consider it ‘correct’ in your final evaluation.


Question 8 of 10

How do you say this price in French : €1,50 (there are 2 solutions possible)

Answer - Pick one:


Question 9 of 10

What number am I saying ? (Please write this number down in numbers how it would appear in a French newspaper or magazine)


Question 10 of 10

How would I say this time in French: 5:45 PM (there are 2 solutions possible)

Answer - Pick one:


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