Audio-Based Modern French Level Test

1. Why the need for an audio-based French level test?

Most French level tests are based on written sentences and multiple choices. In written form, any typical mistake – such as a wrong agreement – will stand out, so these tests are usually rather ‘simple’.

However, they don’t truly test your ability to communicate in French.

If you only learned French from written books, you may be able to read and write in French, ace written tests, and that’s already a great achievement.

However, if what you want is to be able to communicate in French, you need to test BOTH your knowledge of formal French grammar, vocabulary etc… but also your ability to understand true spoken French.

This is why I developed this unique French placement test, where all the questions and answers are audio-based.

2. How this French level test works

First, please read the instructions if any.
After listening to the recording, you will either:
– pick the correct answer
– or type it in yourself (no need to type in punctuation and/or French accents).

There are 18 questions, so the test should take you about 20 minutes.

There is only one possible answer per question and unlike other tests that just tell you: “correct/wrong” after you answer, I will also explain each answer in detail right after your response. And not just in writing but also in audio form! I’ve not seen any other test on the internet do that.

I will also point you to the particular audiobooks of my French learning method which explains and illustrates that particular point if you need more help.

3 – Finding out your French level

At the end of the French test, there will be a summary of your results. You’ll need to have taken the whole test for the results to be accurate.

Now, I suggest you take a few extra things in consideration:

You may play the audio as many times as necessary: I cannot compute this into the results, but you should… The more repetitions needed to get the answer, the less obvious it was to you the first time around, so it may be a point you need to review…

The test will test both your modern French listening skills, and your formal vocabulary and French grammar. It is still a written test. If you understood, but made a mistake in spelling your answer, the answer will be marked “wrong”. Yet, you understood, and that’s important! Some people don’t care at all about writing in French, and therefore a written test is not appropriate for them.

The 18 questions are gradual in their difficulty, and cover the whole French spectrum from beginner to advanced. So, if you are a low intermediate student, it is perfectly normal that you get many answers wrong. Yet you can try to guess – you may learn a couple of things from the correction part of the test.

On the other hand, since some of the questions are multiple choices, you may get lucky in your guesses… You’ll get the question marked as “right”, yet, did you really know the answer?

So sometimes, even though the test will place you as a upper intermediate level, you may benefit from reviewing things at a lower intermediate level :-)

In other words, be smarter than the computerised results! Hopefully, this test will help you understand where you stand in French, taking into account both formal instruction, and actual spoken French.

4 – Receiving Tailored Lessons

The test you are about to take is totally anonymous. No registration required.

If you choose, at the end of the test when you get your results, you’ll be able to sign up for customised lessons via email.

These email lessons will be tailored to your level based on your results and you can stop them at any time with just one click!

Good luck!

Looking for a beginner’s French comprehension test or a French numbers test? Click here

🎁 2.5 Hours French Audiobook - 100% Free / Keep Forever 🎁

Recorded at 3 different speeds + Study Guide + Q&A + Full Transcript

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