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How To Download

To download your purchased audiobooks, use our free French Today app.

The French Today app will manage all your audiobooks for you and is the best way to experience your French Today audiobook.

Note: you can download your purchased audiobooks on more than one computer/device as long as all devices belong to people living in the same household.

For iPhone/iPad

Download the app from the Apple app store (How to install)

For Android Devices

Download the app from the Google Play Store (How to install)

For macOS computers

For macOS 10.15 “Catalina” & above: Download the latest version of the desktop app from the Mac App Store ( How to install

For macOS 10.14 & below : Download the latest version of the desktop app from our website (How to install)

For Windows 7/8/10/11 computers

Download the latest version of the desktop app from our website (How to install)

Other devices

If you are on an unsupported device, you can download a simple MP3 and PDF version of the audiobooks from your My Account area.

Need More help?

For step-by-step help on how to install and use your audiobooks, visit our dedicated support site:

🎁 2.5 Hours French Audiobook - 100% Free / Keep Forever 🎁

Recorded at 3 different speeds + Study Guide + Q&A + Full Transcript

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