Unlock the French Past and Future Tenses
A serious approach to learning both traditional and modern French. Grammar and vocabulary specifically explained for English speakers. Practice everything you learn with an ongoing and fun novel with realistic dialogues/situations.

"I’ve tried dozens of language learning methods for the three different languages I’ve studied, and I’ve never found anything quite like French Today. The absolute best program for language learning, and great customer service."
Elizabeth Ryan - brussels

"I have tried others and even a private teacher for over a year and learned grammar but still cannot have a conversation!! With your techniques, I am speaking and comprehending faster."
The French Today AUDIO Method
1450+ Five-Star Reviews
Built from the ground up
78 000+ Audiobooks Sold
You Will Improve - Guaranteed
- Discussing vacations and hobbies
- Going to the hairdresser and discussing looks
- Exploring feelings and relationships
- Addressing a problem in a restaurant
- Bargaining for prices
- Discussing diets, nutrition, and ecology
- Interacting with a young child
- Talking and making plans over the phone
- Going on a journey by train
- Relating pet stories
- Touring Giverny & discussing art
- Recap overview of the present (le présent)
- Depuis ≠ pendant, en, dans, pour, il y a
- The near future construction (futur proche)
- The future (futur simple) and the future perfect (le futur antérieur)
- On versus nous
- The imperfect (l’imparfait) and the past tense “passé-composé”
- The participles (le participe présent et le participe passé)
- A direct and indirect object review
- How to choose between être or avoir for the passé-composé?
- The preterit / simple past (le passé simple) and the pluperfect (le plus-que-parfait)
- Expressing cause and consequences, opposition and restriction
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À Moi Paris Method - All Levels
More than 3 days of pro audio recordings and 1700 pages of transcript. These audiobooks will take you from beginner to advanced all while learning in the context of a story recorded at multiple speeds and levels of enunciation. Includes all the story chapters, study guides and Q&A sections of the whole À Moi Paris Method.
John Ball – UK Verified Owner –
As a French learner with reading and writing skills around B1 I still have problems understanding spoken French and listening to this course in enunciated French and more normal French is of enormous benefit and I can feel my oral skills improving as I listen to more pieces. Short of spending time immersion in France I can’t think of a better way to improve and as a guide in an English historic house with francophone visitors this has proved very useful.
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Lenora Thom – Hendersonville, NC, USA Verified Owner –
Thanks to Camille and Olivier, I am becoming more fluent in French, and I adore their audiobooks! Theirs is the best method for truly learning to hear and speak French, which is what I desire. My husband and I will spend several months in France this Fall, with a possible desire to move there. Plus, thanks to Camille and Olivier, I am studying French via Zoom with one of their recommended teachers. She is superb!
I give A Moi Paris my highest rating!!
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John Westley, Washington DC Verified Owner –
I love three things about the Moi a Paris audiobooks. First is the encouragement for those “of a certain age” (such as me) to forge ahead despite advanced years. Second, the emphasis on spoken French rather than the French we might have learned from many years ago. Third, the weekly updates. A recent experience illustrates how effective the French Today method can be. We met a French couple from Amiens seven years ago and have seen them several times since. We just spent ten days together in Washington DC. When we had met my wife (a former French teacher) had to do most of the speaking. During their recent visit I was able to participate fully in all of our interactions and was able to contribute actively. What a difference those audiobooks made!
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John Bamber – Availles-Limouzine, France Verified Owner –
If one cannot make progress with this learning approach and material, the problem lies with oneself! Got to get myself into gear.
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Carol Turner – Vancouver, Canada Verified Owner –
I have been enjoying delving into À Moi à Paris.The story is interesting but I am enjoying the lessons-fine tuning my understanding of the language.Its great to be able to access the book wherever I am-no Wifi needed.
Its amazing all the learning you have been able to share. Thank-you! Carol
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Theresa – East Sussex, UK Verified Owner –
I recently bought the Upper Intermediate and Advanced books. The programmes are well thought out, and would be useful for anyone starting to extend their French but are also very helpful for those like me who have already studied French using a variety of resources and are seeking to revise and consolidate their learning. Listening to Camille is improving my listening skills of modern spoken French. The explanations are clear, and I enjoy the exercises at the end of each chapter. The regular emails focusing on particular points are also helpful.
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John, Bristol, UK Verified Owner –
An excellent set of French learning resources. Learning made easily accessible on a smartphone and / or computer. Camille and Olivier are exceptionally helpful in answering any queries you might have. Highly recommended!
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Peter, Hastings, England Verified Owner –
I have found the A Moi Paris series very helpful in my retirement hobby of improving my French comprehension (building on ‘O’ level French taken at school many moons ago). I like the contemporary conversational style of the stories, and the mechanism whereby the English translation can be easily hidden or revealed. Sections on explanation of relevant grammar are well-presented and easily understood.
I’m happy to give A Moi Paris (can’t get the accent on the A) a very positive recommendation.
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Sam Stein – TX, USA Verified Owner –
I found French Today after about six months of studying French. Resources for the complete beginner are plentiful and I was happy with what had done, but I needed something more to help me make the transition from beginner to advanced beginner and intermediate. Frenchtoday.com has provided me with several of the resources that I needed. First, there was the plentiful enunciated French audio and written material. I found it very helpful to listen to both the enunciated French and street French versions of everything that I studied as well as reading the transcript. Second, there were the plentiful, excellent grammar explanations of the usage in each chapter. These explanations were the best of any that I have seen on the internet. I use the free articles on frenchtoday.com, especially when it comes to advice on how to proceed in one’s French studies and I became a Patreon contributor. At the end of my first year, I did an excellent week of immersion with Clarisse (Ile de Ré) who I found on the French Today website.
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Sandra Magog Canada Verified Owner –
French Today audiobooks are amazing. I have studied many other french lesson versions over years but these audiobooks are the best. They teach in a logical sense with very clear and concise information. I never tire of Camille’s clear , crisp voice.
Also, the customer service is really exceptionally outstanding from both Camille and Olivier.
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Anna Belle Emery – Courtenay, Canada Verified Owner –
Dear Camille and Olivier, August 13, 2023
I must thank you for your consistant attention and care to my account. As well as thoroughly enjoying your « À Moi Paris » Audio Series at different levels and speeds, I look forward to Camille’s weekly lesson and update. The subject matter is always excellent and current.
As you know, I now have the ‘Pronunciation’ audio too, so that I can practice mine before my next visit to France. I’m finding it very helpful and Camille’s smooth and clear enunciation of the Audio Series is, without exageration, delightful !
I commend you both on fulfilling the objectives you promote. As a client, having the details of my goals and purchases completed so efficiently, I am happy, and I am confident in recommending you.
Sincerely, Anna Belle, Canada
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Jill Kaye, St. Leonards on Sea, England Verified Owner –
The A Moi Paris series is a great way to learn French as it’s really spoken. Each carefully crafted dialogue is based on everyday situations and focusses on a particular aspect of grammar. I like the flexibility of listening at two different speeds and the emphasis on listening and speaking out loud. My grammar was already quite good, having done A level at school, and I thought at first that I’d find the study guides boring, but I’ve been surprised at how many gaps there were in my knowledge and I’ve already learned so many useful expressions. Best of all are the exercises using audio only to really test how much I’ve learned. As others have said already, I wish I’d discovered this course earlier!
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