Grapes & Raisin – French Mistake 🍇

Author: Camille Chevalier

What does “une grappe de raisin” mean in French? Today, we’ll explore the French Vocabulary of grapes, and I’ll share with you an easy frozen grapes treat your kid can easily make at home!

I love grapes. Don’t you? Especially “le muscat”, this dark purple, super sweet variety. I thought I would make a fashion statement in this picture!

Grapes earrings, wine not?

Joking aside, the French vocabulary for grapes is often confusing for students. So let’s look at it.

1 – French Vocabulary For Grapes

  1. Le raisin – fresh grapes, usually used in the singular in French.
  2. Les raisins secs – raisins
  3. Une grappe de raisin – a grape cluster
  4. Un grain de raisin – a single piece of grape

2 – Grapes ≠ Grappe

I wonder if this is where the English word for grapes comes from, but in French “une grappe” is a cluster, specifically used for
 grapes! “Une grappe de raisin”.

Today, I went to our local farm and found this beautiful grape cluster. I don’t think you could dream of a better example.

grape in French

3 – Le raisin in French ≠ raisins in English

And here we go again
 Watch out for the false friends
 Le raisin (usually used in the singular entity) is grapes. Fresh, juicy grapes that is. Raisins, the dry kind, are always called “raisins secs” (in the plural this time).

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4 – Frozen Muscat Grapes – A Wonderful and Healthy Treat

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J’adore le muscat. C’est une sorte de raisin trĂšs sucrĂ©, que l’on trouve seulement Ă  la fin de l’étĂ© dans les magasins Ă  Paimpol. Quand nous en voyons, nous en achetons beaucoup. BEAUCOUP. Plusieurs kilos.

I love muscat grapes. It’s a kind of very sweet grape, that you only find at the end of summer in the shops in Paimpol. When we see some, we buy a lot. A LOT. Several kilos.

grape in French

Et puis Leyla Ă©graine les grappes de raisins. C’est son boulot de le faire. Elle lave les grains de raisins, et puis les met Ă  sĂ©cher sur des plats plats recouverts d’un torchon propre. Elle les laisse sĂ©cher toute la nuit.

Then, Leyla takes the individual grape out of the clusters. It’s her job to do it. She washes the grapes, then put it to dry on flat dishes covered with a clean kitchen towel. She leaves them to dry all night long.

grape in French

Enfin, le matin, elle retire le torchon et met les plats plats dans le congĂ©lateur. C’est important qu’il y ait un peu d’espace entre les grains de raisin pour qu’ils puissent bien congeler, sans coller les uns aux autres.

Finally, in the morning, she takes away the kitchen towel and puts the flat dishes in the freezer. It’s important that there is a bit of space between the grapes so they can freeze without sticking one to the other.

Quand ils sont bien congelĂ©s, elle les verse dans un sac, et voilĂ  ! Cela nous fait de dĂ©licieuse petite glaces naturelles, fraiches et sucrĂ©es, que l’on peut manger toute l’annĂ©e !

When they are deeply frozen, she pours them in a bag and here you are! It make delicious little frozen bits, natural, fresh and sweet, that we can eat all year long!

grape in French

Essayez, et dites moi si vous aimez (il faut cependant trouver du TRÈS bon raisin, c’est le secret !)

Try it, and tell me if you like it (however, you need to find REALLY good grapes, it’s the secret!)

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Author: Camille Chevalier

Camille Chevalier

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany.

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