50 French Cooking Verbs 🥘

Author: Chantal

How do you say to chop in French? You may know the basic cooking terms but do you know the French cooking verbs? Here is my list of common verbs used to cook.

We could write a whole book about the French cooking terms.

My experience is that French students often know cooking ingredients but don’t know the French cooking verbs.

So here is a list of the common cooking verbs I teach to my French immersion students when they want to cook with me.

1 – French Cooking Verbs: Chop, Dice, Cut…

  1. To chop: hacher, concasser, tailler en morceaux
  2. To chunk : couper en gros morceaux
  3. To cut : couper
  4. To dice : couper en dés
  5. To mince : émincer
  6. To slice : couper en lamelles/ en tranches
  7. To julienne : couper en julienne
  8. To slice : trancher
French cooking verb list

2 – French Cooking Verbs: Heat, Bake…

  1. To preheat : préchauffer (le four)
  2. To heat on low : faire chauffer à feu doux
  3. To heat on middle : faire chauffer à feu moyen
  4. To heat on high : faire chauffer à feu fort
  5. To cook in a double boiler : cuire au bain marie
  6. To sauté : faire sauter
  7. To bake : cuire au four
  8. To boil : faire bouillir
  9. To bring to a boil : porter à ébullition
  10. To fry/to deep fry : frire
  11. To melt : faire fondre (les oignons…)
  12. To poach : pocher
  13. To reduce : réduire
  14. To roast : torréfier ou rôtir
  15. To simmer : mijoter
  16. To steam : cuire à la vapeur
  17. To stir-fry : faire revenir rapidement

Learn the French food and cooking vocabulary in the context of a level adapted French novel + English translation. In French Today’s French audiobooks, people eat a lot! At home, with friends, in cafés and restaurants… all the stories are recorded using different levels of enunciation: enunciated and modern French. Follow the links and hear/read samples!

Une Semaine À Paris Bilingual Audiobook

An audio novel for all levels. Explore Paris with modern, lively and realistic dialogues

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3 – Other Verbs Used In Cooking

  1. To cook : cuisiner (it’s a bit complicated in French so Camille wrote a whole article about how to say to cook in French)
  2. To drizzle : arroser
  3. To sprinkle : saupoudrer/parsemer
  4. To taste : goûter
  5. To bread : paner
  6. To add : ajouter
  7. To blend : mélanger
  8. To crush : écraser
  9. To garnish : Garnir
  10. To grate : râper
  11. To grind : réduire en poudre, moudre, piler
  12. To marinate : mariner
  13. To measure : mesurer
  14. To mix : mélanger
  15. To peel : éplucher/peler
  16. To shell : décortiquer
  17. To pour : verser
  18. To mix : mixer
  19. To put : mettre
  20. To remove the stems : enlever les tiges
  21. To rinse : rincer
  22. To scoop out : évider
  23. To shred : râper
  24. To soak : tremper
  25. To squeeze : presser
  26. To stir : mélanger
  27. To weigh : peser
  28. To deglaze : déglacer
  29. To dilute : délayer
  30. To sweat : faire suer
  31. Assaisonner : to season

For a fun French practice, here is a video Camille made illustrating the French grammar and vocabulary about cooking in French.

Author: Chantal


Bonjour ! My name is Chantal, I'm an immersion French teacher and I live in Picardie - only 40 minutes away from Paris by train. Come experience a real French lifestyle, discover my region and improve your French with me.

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